Love Your Cereal and a Healthy Breakfast
It’s 6:30 AM on a Monday and we’re half way done getting ready for school. My almost 7 year old is hungry. Her breakfast of choice is a big bowl of cereal. She loves her cereal. She’s inherited that love from me. She can serve her cereal and sort of pour her milk. When I […]
Moms Benefitting from Soybean Oil Recipes
Open your pantry. Pull out the oil. What do you see? Your bottle of vegetable oil – the best oil for frying and the base to many Hispanic foods – is likely 100% soybean oil! This oil provides a hearty dose of vitamin E and omega-3s, which may help reduce blood pressure and prevent heart disease. […]
Love, Sleep & Play Celebrated by Pampers with GIVEAWAY
This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pampers. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Over the summer many of us submitted pictures of our little ones or when they were little for the Pampers Love, Sleep & Play campaign. I shared the photo of my then little baby and […]
Bento Box Idea: Ham Roll Ups
My non-sandwich eating 1st grader does like meats, especially ham. She likes bread, but she doesn’t like ham and bread together. When creating her lunch this year, I’m heavily influenced by all the fantastic bento box ideas I come across online, especially on Pinterest. I need to find ways to provide her the protein she needs […]
HOT Deals in Office Depot Circular
The Sunday paper arrives and stacks of deals await to be picked through. One of my favorites is the Office Depot circular! Right now with their phenomenal #BackToSchool deals, like 1¢ folders or 25¢ pencil sharpeners, I know its still time to stock up on all those school supplies that don’t expire. Remember a folder […]
FREE Rewards Program for Teachers at Office Depot
Teachers: Don’t buy another school supply item until you’ve signed up for the FREE Rewards program for teachers: the Office Depot Star Teacher Rewards program! You’ll earn points that will earn you FREE supplies! School time means school supply time! We all stock up on paper, pencils and crayons to put in the backpacks and keep […]
Creative Ways to Use Tape with Kids
Enter your local Office Depot store and you’re bound to find a tremendous display of the 3M Expressions Tape. I entered our local store recently with my girls and they were instantly drawn to this display. The colors and patterns were so captivating. They wanted every roll. There are so many ways to use tape with […]
Iron Fork Review
Thursday, August 1 was a fantastic date night. Tom and I headed to the Adrienne Arsht Center to foodie heaven, better known as Iron Fork Miami! Much thanks to MasterCard for their tremendous discount for cardholders wanting to attend this priceless Miami event. Tom and I arrived with our bellies empty and boy was that I […]
5 Reasons to Love Office Depot Rewards
I am participating in the #ODRewards campaign sponsored by Office Depot. For more information, about Office Depot Rewards, visit their website. There are loads of reward programs out there. Some are certainly better than others. I have recently fallen in love with the Office Depot Rewards Program! This back to school season I have been loading […]
Got Tape! Now What?
I’m thrilled to be participating in the #ScotchExpressions campaign as I get to experience and promote their decorative Scotch Expression Washi, masking, duct and shipping tapes! I have 16 rolls of colorful tape sitting in my office with one very enthused 6 year old ready to open them up and get crafting! But, WHAT SHOULD […]
5 Back to School Items for Kids in Uniforms
Yes, many of our children are dressing in a plaid skort, collared shirt and school issued socks. But, back to school shopping isn’t just uniforms. Children wearing uniforms to school still need to stock up on many clothing items for before, during and after school. I was recently invited to go back to school shopping […]
Iron Fork Miami Date Night – #Priceless #Miami #MC
Iron Fork Miami is our date night locale and we’re thrilled and hungry for this priceless Miami event! On Thursday, August 1 we’re going out! We’re heading to the Adrienne Arsht Center in Downtown Miami for a delicious night at Iron Fork Miami – an over 3000 person event for South Florida food lovers! MasterCard […]
Win at the Gain & La Voz Kids Twitter Party!
Still looking to win a year supply of Gain? There is another great opportunity that I have been invited to share with you! Join the new @GainLatino http://twitter.com/GainLatino and Latina Mom Bloggers on Thursday, July 18 at 6 pm PST/9 pm EST for a Gain and La Voz Kids #LaVozFresh Twitter party featuring judge Roberto Tapia! There are […]
SPONSORED: Pampers Love, Sleep & Play
I remember this moment. I remember Big Sister Isabella grinning as I placed Baby Sister Cecilia and her dolly adjacent to her in bed. My heart melted witnessing this moment of true sisterly love. Isabella had her girls in bed with her. She was in love and I was too. As I enjoyed that […]
Getting Adventurous with My Exercise
We were recently in Key West for a week long family vacation. It was wonderful. I packed many of the items from my Shaklee180 Kit and I was diligent about eating my meal bars, most of the time. What I was most proud during that trip, was my new exercise! On day 3 of Key […]
Best Scents in My Clothes. I’m Becoming Obsessed!
Some of the best scents out there are found right in my clean clothes. It’s sort of weird, I guess. As I take clothes out of the dryer and begin to fold them, I smell each garment. There is something about the smell of clean clothing that I love. The last detergent I purchased was […]
What’s in a Shaklee180 Turnaround Kit?
Have you wondered what arrives in that very heavy box each month? As a Shaklee180 Blogger I receive a Turnaround Kit each month. The kit is like my toolbox for weight loss, inches loss, and overall healthy living. Within the walls of the cardboard box are the specific products that I can use to […]
Obsessed with the Blackberry Z10 Instant Camera
I take dozens of photos a day. The Blackberry Z10 has an instant camera, a camera that you can access before unlocking the phone. It is a busy mom’s dream – at least busy moms like me who love to take photos and videos all day! Blackberry Z10 Instant Camera Review Disclosure: I am a […]
My Honest Confessional as I Get Back on Track
I’m a Shaklee180 blogger who is finishing up my 3rd month and I’m going to be honest. These last two weeks have been tough. Yes, not too long ago I shared how I dealt with the stress and sadness of losing my father through healthy habits. Yet, now when my life is finally returning to my […]
NEW DATE! Ask Questions & Win Prizes at the Neutrogena Skin Care Chat
Whether you live in the Sunshine State or are finally enjoying the warm sun on your face up North, skin protection is tremendously important. We all know that. But do we remember to care for our skin and the skin of our children as well as we should? Sunscreen 101 Twitter Party! Join me […]
How Office Depot REAL Change is Helping Schools
We all know that it takes a village. This week I provided tools to help the village teach the child. Through my partnership with the Office Depot REAL Change campaign I shared school supplies with my daughter’s kindergarten teacher. She was thrilled. I was thrilled. As a former teacher, I am so happy to see […]
Shaklee Get Clean Review & Giveaway!
Cleaning green is important, particularly when cleaning for the little ones. The Shaklee Get Clean Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes are a smart product for moms. Shaklee Get Clean Starter Kit I promise that I put her in an overnight diaper, but for whatever the reason, my toddler leaks through her diaper REGULARLY! A common morning […]
A Mother’s Influence
How has your mother influenced you? For good or for bad, our mothers have a tremendous impact on our character and our parenting styles. My mother isn’t shy, in the least, to share your opinion on how things should be done. Sometimes she’s right. But not all the time. I often assume she’s wrong but […]
Coca-Cola Essence Festival Sweepstakes & Giveaway
A girls weekend in New Orleans? Sign me up! Enter the Coca-Cola Essence Festival Sweepstakes This year’s annual Coca-Cola Essence Festival will be held on July 4 – 7 and a HUGE prize pack is up for grabs trough the Coca-Cola Essence Festival Sweepstakes! One woman will win a trip to the Essence Festival in […]
3 Kid Friendly Breakfast Ideas
We wake up way too early in this house. My alarm goes off at 6:09, 6:16 and 6:31. If that 6:31 goes off we’re still in bed we’re in trouble! We need to be out of the house by 7:10 AM. I need the kids up, dressed and fed while they deal with each other’s […]
Vlog: How I Ate Healthy & Handled Stress
I’ve shared how the month of April was the pits. Even throughout the horrific month, I managed to not succumb to every pastry, cookie or fried food that was available. It wasn’t easy but it was certainly smart. Learning to not rely on food as comfort during stress isn’t easy. There is a reason that […]