19 Jan, 2025

Smart Home: Summertime Dining, Dilemmas and All!

It’s the 1st day of summer!!! Woo Hoo!  Actually, summer means heat, ridiculous humidity and 100% chance of afternoon thunderstorms in South Florida!  That aside, there are summertime food treats that we all love 100 degree heat and all!  Popsicles, watermelon, sherbet, corn on the cob, burgers & dogs….Yes, I’m getting hungry.  As Ragú’s Mom’s […]

1 min read

Salmon with Vanilla Balsamic Marinade using Vanilla Bean Paste

Salmon with Vanilla Balsamic Marinade using Vanilla Bean Paste I have a new secret ingredient!  It’s what Thomas Jefferson is credited with introducing to the United States in the late 1700s.  Vanilla! I was recently provided with a bottle of Nielsen-Massey Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Bean Paste to try. Are you wondering exactly what is […]

3 mins read