Love Your Cereal and a Healthy Breakfast
It’s 6:30 AM on a Monday and we’re half way done getting ready for school. My almost 7 year old is hungry. Her breakfast of choice is a big bowl of cereal. She loves her cereal. She’s inherited that love from me.
She can serve her cereal and sort of pour her milk. When I remember, I’ll leave a glass of milk for her to carefully pour atop her bowl of cereal. She’ll eat every last spoonful and (usually) put the empty bowl in the sink. Her bowl of Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats – her current cereal of choice – fills her up and thankfully is loaded with the good stuff.
Good Stuff In Cereal
One bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats is 100% whole grain with a whopping 5 grams of fiber – a nutrient shown to help digestion and support healthy weight. It’s a breakfast choice I’m happy she makes.
A mom’s life is a wee bit easier when the kid makes a healthy breakfast choice. There are many healthy cereals options for kids – some sweeter, some crunchier. Be a smart mama and look at the label, not just the coupon.
In our home we love our cereal not only in the early morning. Isabella and I have been known to serve and enjoy a bowl of cereal for dinner on more than one occasion.
Kellogg’s Love Your Cereal campaign has an informational site LoveYourCereal.com that provides additional facts on cereal and nutrition. There is a quiz see how well you know and understand the importance of fiber in the meals you provide in your home.
Stocking Up on Cereal with Giveaway
Kellogg’s is providing one Smarty Pants Mama reader with a Love Your Cereal Kit to encourage a healthy, fiber-filled breakfast!
See official rules at http://
We love frosted flakes.
We like Froot Loops.
Apple Jacks
we like frosted flakes
Apple Jacks Are My Favorite!
love friutloops
I love frosted flakes but my kids are froot loops all the way
My favorite is Honey Smacks. Thanks.
I love frosted flakes
Fruit Loops are a favorite here!
Our favorite is Froot Loops.
My kids LOVE Frosted Mini Wheats!
Frosted Flakes and Apple Jacks are my family’s favorites.
Frosted mini wheats, in the various flavors, area family favorite.
Strawberry mini wheats are my favorite. Thanks
Oh for our family its Fruit Loops!
i love Froot Loops
We eat a lot of Apple Jacks! They are pretty yummy!
I love Apple Jacks! In fact, I’m about to have a bowl. ;0]
frosted flakes thanks for the giveaway
We love Fruit Loops!
Frosted Flakes are the favorites here!
Fruit loops are the kids favorite!