26 Apr, 2024

Pasta with Cauliflower – A Meat-Free Dish to Add to Your Lenten Recipes

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent – the 40 days of reflection leading to Easter Sunday by Christians worldwide. Roman Catholics additionally share their reverence by fasting Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and abstaining from eating meat on all Fridays during Lent. Time to pull out the seafood and pasta dishes for the next […]

1 min read

Going Skinny with Your Cocktails! Fabulous Cocktail Recipes that Won’t Stick to Your Thighs!

A cosmo, a delicious “skinny” cosmo…who’s interested?  I know many of you are.  Last weekend I hosted a BBQ and Cocktails night. Armed with a vat of Truvia, delicious cocktail recipes, and the martini & monogrammed double old-fashioned glasses that I received on my wedding day eons ago, I put together Skinny Cosmos and Raspberry Lojitos […]

3 mins read

Interview with Celebrity Chef G. Garvin – Shares ways to make dinner prep easier!

Interview with Celebrity Chef G. Garvin – Shares ways to make dinner prep easier! Chef G. Garvin’s experience as a great chef and a single father make him a true expert of dinner preparation with kids in tow.  Last week I shared some of Chef’s great suggestions of using ground turkey as the base to many different meals. […]

1 min read