Balancing the Dinner Budget – Ragu Mom’s the Word on Dinner Asks
Balancing the Dinner Budget – Ragu Mom’s the Word on Dinner Asks Moms
An on-the-budget dinner isn’t always so easy. We’ve all done those last minute recipes where we spend an arm and a leg buying the ingredients at full price because our pantry was empty. I’ve learned, the hard way I might add, the importance of stocking up. I’m not saying 30 jars of olives and 50 bottles of mayo. I think taking advantage of the buy 1 get 1 free promotions for items that can help make easy dinners is a Smart Mama strategy.
Stocking Your Pantry
My pantry is typically stocked with these 5 essentials for easy, yummy meals:
- Pasta
- Sauce
- Canned soup
- Canned veggies
- Broth
With 1, 2 and even all 5, I can create something fast that will be enjoyed and won’t stress me out to make! Just tonight I was having a solo dinner – kids and husband ate out of the house. I cooked some pasta, warmed up Ragu’s Alfredo Sauce, threw in some frozen peas and some grated parmesan and that was it. Yummy and probably under 50¢ for the dish!
What ingredients do you always keep on hand for last minute meals? Do you take advantage of store deals and coupons?
Chatting with Moms
As part of Ragú Mom’s the Word, I recently chatted with Daphne Brogdon of Cool Mom and Christine Koh of Boston Mamas to tackle the issue of staying on budget with dinner. Hear what the three of us have to say and share your own ideas at!
Disclosure: This post & all videos were created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in Ragú® Mom’s the Word on Dinner Program.