Smart Kid
Finding teachable moments in everyday activities!
Celebrating College Savings with Florida Prepaid
2019 has hit the ground running. Can you believe that we are already in February? The first month of the year always seems to be the fastest and the longest for whatever reason. I’m ready for February. Are you? The start of this cupid month not only means that we will be buying class Valentine’s […]
5 Rules Tweens MUST-FOLLOW on a Smart Phone
We swore we wouldn’t cave. But we did. During the first weeks of 6th grade, we bought my tween a smart phone. Just short of her 12th birthday, we deemed it appropriate and in ways, necessary, for her to have a way to communicate with us when not at home. The purchase came with plenty […]
SPONSORED: Pampers Love, Sleep & Play
I remember this moment. I remember Big Sister Isabella grinning as I placed Baby Sister Cecilia and her dolly adjacent to her in bed. My heart melted witnessing this moment of true sisterly love. Isabella had her girls in bed with her. She was in love and I was too. As I enjoyed that […]
3 Kid Friendly Breakfast Ideas
We wake up way too early in this house. My alarm goes off at 6:09, 6:16 and 6:31. If that 6:31 goes off we’re still in bed we’re in trouble! We need to be out of the house by 7:10 AM. I need the kids up, dressed and fed while they deal with each other’s […]
Bunny Face Mask for a PreSchool Easter Craft
Bunny Face Mask for a Pre-School Easter Craft Make an Easter craft that will have the whole crew giggling! Adorable bunny rabbits have been a part our Easter celebration in the US since the late 18th century. (see Wikipedia article on Easter Bunny.) This simple craft is loads of fun and the kids really enjoy […]
Smart Cause: Hockey for Huggies! NHL & Diapers now go hand in hand!
What does hockey have to do with diapers? Diapers and ice hockey typically don’t go hand in hand until now! This month the NHL has teamed up with Huggies and Every Little Bottom with Hockey for Huggies. Throughout February, the 30 National Hockey League (NHL) teams will host diaper drives at their arenas during a […]
Smart Cause: Step 1 to Hosting a Diaper Drive
Last month I hosted a diaper drive during a garage sale. It was easy! See what I had to say and then read about the 1st simple step to hosting your own diaper drive! What did you think? Can you do it too? I KNOW your can! Today I begin an 8 part series walking […]
Smart Cause: Dollars for Diapers, a Garage Sale turned Diaper Drive
In just 3 hours, over 400 diapers and $100 in loose change and bills were donated by strangers, family & friends. These diapers and dollars are now in the hands of Rev. Rebecca Hines of Destiny Diaper Bank, a diaper bank partner of Huggies Every Little Bottom. How did I do it? I had a […]
Smart Cause: Ellen Pompeo Scrubs in for Diapers
Earlier in the week, I talked to a mom. She’s a mother of a 1 year old girl. She’s a mother like you and I. She loves yoga, is exhausted and can’t believe how fast the 1st year has gone. She’s also a mother whose passion to support causes has shifted to more motherly interests […]
Smart Cause: The Garage Sale WITH a Diaper Drive!
Tomorrow is a BIG DAY! FINALLY, I’m getting rid of my trash treasures! My husband and I are having a garage sale and I couldn’t be more excited! Honestly, I think my husband is more excited that I am finally agreeing to purge some of the crazy trash treasures that I’ve held onto for so […]
Smart Cause: Destiny Diaper Bank
The Destiny Diaper Bank needs YOU! Rev. Rebecca Hines has dedicated her time, finances and energy to be certain that every little bottom in her area has the proper diaper it needs with the creation of Destiny Diaper Bank. Each week she receives individuals and organization at the bank’s doorstep that are in need. She […]
Smart Home: Double the Math Lesson Making Zucchini Strips!
I wanted to make these delicious sounding zucchini strips I saw on It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon. My daughter had been in school all morning and then refused to nap. You know the kind of day I’m talking about. She wanted to “help” me in the kitchen. I figured why not. It was […]
Smart Home: Back to School Etiquette
[ad#Google in Content] This week I welcome Lovely Payoute, president of Etiquette Miami, who offers a wide range of programs and services from group etiquette classes for children and teens, individual/corporate training, and cotillion programs. Children Manners classes for children and teens are enrolling now in Palm Beach Gardens and Boca Raton Nordstrom Stores. You […]
Smart Cause: Conference attendees donate 1000 diapers at BlogHer!
A Jimmy Dean alarm clock, a Dora t-shirt, a half a dozen reusable grocery bags, packs of detergent and more were some of the swag items at this year’s BlogHer 2010 conference in New York City. Bloggers from across the globe, primarily women, attended the conference to learn the very best strategies on blogging and […]
Smart Cause: Every Little Bottom – Twitter Party, 7/28 @ 9PM ET & PT
Yes, Every Little Bottom is ready to party at BlogHer! Are you!? This Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 9PM ET & then again at 9PM PT the Huggies Every Little Bottom Ambassadors (MommyWords, House of Prince, A Parent in Silver Spring, Rookie Moms, Jenny of the Spot and Smarty Pants Mama) welcome you to join […]
Smart Cause: Every Little Bottom, The Newborn Diapers
[ad#Google in Content] We brought Isabella home from the hospital in late October 2006. We were first time parents, petrified of every sound and movement she would make. We had learned the 4 basic reasons of a baby’s cry from every experienced mother and baby book available. Hunger, gas, exhaustion and a dirty diaper with […]
Smart Cause: Huggies Every Little Bottom Campaign, An Introduction
Did you know that many mothers in financial hardship may not have enough diapers for their child’s well-being? A recent study has shown that 1 in 3 mothers struggle to maintain a proper supply of diapers! We’ve all been in that situation of diapers running low. But, for most of us, a quick run to […]
A Teachable Moment…a Smart Mama Job!
Finding a Teachable Moment I recently purchased a childhood favorite, Hi! Ho! Cherry-O! for my daughter. Originally intended for a fun before nap activity, it easily turned into a math lesson. After each spin she had to SUBTRACT one or more pieces of fruit from her tree. I wasn’t afraid to use this word. At […]
Smart Kid: The Three Little Pigs to The Three Little Javelinas
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. The first little pig built his house of … I am certain each of you, and your munchkins, can finish the story. It’s a story that has been retold orally and in books from as far back as the 1840s! I challenge you to use the […]
Kids with scissors, not a good combo!
“But Mommy, I was just cutting them to make them look pretty,” Isa explained when I found her getting ready for Project Runway last week! Yes, I am a Smart Mama. Yes, a Smart Mama would NEVER leave a child alone with scissors. Yes, I have TOTALLY learned my lesson. THANKFULLY my daughter’s jammies are […]
Minnie Mouse Pez – Meds for the knee?
Yes, the imagination is full force in this house, and it better be in yours too! As I whined to my 3 year old that my knee was hurting (I’ve had 2 major knee surgeries in the last 2 years) she told me, “I have the right medicine, don’t worry.” Intrigued by my Dr. Little […]
Hide & Seek – in the car!
On the way to school Isa wanted to play hide and seek. What? How do you play hide and seek in a car when everyone is wearing their seat belts? Look: That’s how! She asked me to count to ten and I shouted, “Ready or not here I come!” Using my right hand I started […]
Color Wonder, I bow to you.
Oh, why do I love Color Wonder??? Let’s just say that the dining room table and chair would look much different than they did tonight when I found Isabella “making a picture” when I was cooking. I thought she was coloring and when she suddenly mentions that the “painting” was looking great! Surprise, surprise, I FREAKED […]
Blast off…a child’s imaginaion sends her to outerspace!
Oh, the imagination of a 3 year old. How I wish I still had it! Actually, it has been sneaking out lately! Thank you very much to my munchkin Isa! Your dreams are endless with imagination. You want to go to China today? Ok, use our imagination to get there asap! Want to be an […]
SUPER WHY…at a theater near you!
Looking for a great Smart Mama activity for your pre-schooler??? I found it! With ZERO good G or even PG movies out there for the under 7 crew, Kid Toon Films has come to the rescue, a la SUPER WHY style! Two SUPER WHY episodes, Comic Book: Attack of the Eraser and The Big Game, […]