19 Jan, 2025

Hire Me

Hire Me
5 mins read

Contact CarolineYes, I am ready and able to market your brand with authentic writing, photography and video. Promoting my work across 1/2 dozen social media platforms, your marketing campaigns created and/or implemented by Smarty Pants Mama Media (that’s my fancy name) will relate to fellow travelers, foodies and/or homemakers. It’s an opportunity to broadcast your brand using today’s social stream in an effective and meaningful manner.

There are ALL SORTS of ways we can work together. Let’s start by talking! Call or email me (contact info is right over there–>>) today! 

Social on Travel

I love to travel. I love to take photos and video during travel. I love to tell others about my travel. During any given trip I am actively sharing my experiences through photos, videos and  posts/tweets/shares.

My audience engages. They anticipate the next photo. They want to know more about where I am and when they can bring their family.

Carnival Cruise Lines recognized my enthusiasm and authority on family travel through a Cruising Chronicle – a video of my family filmed on the Carnival Freedom. Check it out!

Yes, I’m the go-to person “on and offline” for where to plan a family vacation.

My audience likes luxury. They like beautiful and clean accommodations. They like activities for their family. They like to eat well and enjoy nice restaurants, but also want family-friendly venues. They live to experience culture. I provide my audience with these experiences. 

Our most recent travels have taken us to:

I have traveled throughout France, Iceland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain and Mexico BEFORE becoming a parent and this career. 

Where MUST I go next?

Social on Cuisine

Black squid risotto, garlic escargot, almost rare filet mignon and succulent pork cheeks are just some of the menu items I might select at a restaurant.Black Point Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all about a big fat juicy burger like the one I had a the Filling Station. I’m also known to enjoy a refreshing cocktail or a glass of wine or a flute of Procesco. I enjoy good food. I keep a healthy mindset and stay away from the more fried foods or way too creamy for me dishes. I like to discover new restaurants in and around my neighborhood or during our family travels. Yes, I am on the constant quest of solving the challenge – Where can my family eat a great meal?

I enjoy learning right from the pros, such as when I chatted with internationally acclaimed Chef  Marcus Samuelsson and provided my aspiring chef, 7 year old daughter Isabella, the chance to cook with a chef who has cooked for the president. Most importantly I love to share these experiences with my audience and they love to receive it. I get phone calls, texts and emails regularly for recommendations of where to dine. Marcus Samuelsson

Of course we don’t always go out to eat. Most nights we cook at home. My husband and I both enjoy time in the kitchen. We often prepare ethnic dishes, tapping into our heritage – I’m 100% Cuban and he’s a mixture of Italian and Irish. I can make a great dish of black beans and he’s awesome of eggplant parm and makes fantastic stuffed mushrooms. We have fun cooking and enjoying trying new ingredients and kitchen toolsCuban Black Beans Recipe

Social on Homemaking

 A healthy relationship and happy home is essential. I search for ways to deal with the various challenges in parenting and marriage. The challenges could be as simple as planning a birthday party or as complex as dealing with a spouse who travels during the week. I recommend strategies and products that I have used to help my audience face their own challenges. 

I have more than 10 years involved in education so I naturally identify learning opportunities with my own children. I provide these examples with my audience as well. 

The Numbers

Yes, I have a Media Kit available. Please email me at SmartyPantsMama @ gmail.com and I’ll get it right to you!

Enough about me! Let’s talk! Call or email me today so we can start planning how we will maximize my network for your campaign! Let’s do it!

 Contact Caroline


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