11 Feb, 2025


9 mins read

Meet Caroline Murphy & the Smarty Pants Mama Media Group

Want to know a little bit about Caroline Murphy? Of course you do!Caroline Murphy

Caroline is a Hispanic mom to two beautiful girls, aged 12 and 7 and the wife to a very supportive husband, Tom. She has been sharing  “been there, done that” advice with friends and family FOREVER! She’s that friend who has random knowledge on all sorts of things in and around our community. Friends call upon me for suggestions on restaurants, summer camps, recipes and family travel and a whole lot more. In 2008, she began to stretch her network of friends online with the launch of Smarty Pants Mama. Her network has grown – TREMENDOUSLY – as she  encounters fellow moms across the globe who seek her advice for the many challenges they face in parenting. 

March 2008, she started SmartyPantsMama.com to occupy time between physical therapy after a traumatic knee injury. This hobby turned into career as suddenly major brands began seeking her voice as part of their campaign. She first worked with Huggies Pull-Ups, being filmed over 3-months in a reality TV show style as she potty trained her then 2 1/2 year old. The webisodes of her challenges in potty training were showcased across many Huggies platforms. (Note: The videos are no longer viewable online.)

Potty Project with NanaThat on-air opportunity with Pull-Ups drew up her interest and true enjoyment of being in front of the camera. She quickly launched a YouTube Page – YouTube.com/SmartyPantsMama – to showcase little video reviews of products and more.  A few years later she took advantage of wasted time in the school carpool pick up line by filming quick segments called #CarpoolChat to share her thoughts on the day and other stuff. An audience quickly emerged that was interested in my rants and raves in the carpool line. She now uses YouTube regularly to broadcast reviews and experiences on travel and food. Be sure to visit my channel and subscribe so you will be the 1st to know when she publishes her next video!

Always Traveling

Travel has always been an important part of her life since just a little girl. She was blessed with all sorts of opportunities to travel as a child. She learned so much from each trip. Now as a mom, Caroline wants to provide the same for her own children. She & her husband Tom are constantly looking to travel throughout their city, state, country and world.

This summer the when on a 2 week roadtrip visiting Asheville, NorthCaroline, Savannah, Georgia and Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, where she documented the experience across all her social networks.

You can also see highlights of their trip to Key West when the she & her girls took advantage of Dad’s business trip to explore the most popular Florida Key. Their trip to NY in 2012 is one of my favorites. They stayed at a beautiful hotel in midtown, The Benjamin, and visited her old stomping grounds in Long Island and stayed at the 5-star hotel the Garden City Hotel for several nights.Savannah Old Town Trolley

The family also enjoyed a number of family cruises and an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. All of these trips provided her children the chance to see new places, try new foods and create memories that she knows will last a lifetime.

Yummy Food

Great food is important in her home. Yes, we LOVE to eat GREAT food. Caroline makes an attempt to keep the palates of her children open and ready for new foods. Tapping into her Cuban heritage and the Italian and Irish ethnicity of her husband, their meals often include culturally rich dishes. They dine out each weekend, trying not to got to the same restaurant all that often. savannah-garibaldis-restaurantThey use Yelp and other word of mouth suggestion to find new places in and around Miami or the city where we are traveling through. They discourage our girls from ordering the nuggets or pizza at restaurants, as they want them to experience the great cuisines as we do. They’re not always successful in getting them to try, but the kids do surprise them quite often!

Back In The Day

Caroline began her career as a school teacher and continues to recognize the teacher within me. She is always identifying ways to provide learning opportunities for her girls. She uses her blog to share these experiences and encourage other families to seek learning opportunities whenever possible – whether they are intertwined with travel, cuisine or homemaking – with her growing network of friends on and offline!

Caroline lives in sunny South Florida, by way of the Washington DC/Baltimore area, and originally from Long Island, NY. She holds a Masters Degree in Education, with a specialization in Instructional Technology from the University of Maryland University College and a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, with a minor in Spanish from Loyola University Maryland.

Where Have You Seen Me?

  • Filmed for Carnival Freedom – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDfjvFHIeaI&
  • Freelance Blogger for TampicoIsColor.com
  • Conference speaker on becoming a Vlogger at Niche Parent Conference, September 2013
  • Influencer for EBAY
  • Blog Ambassador of Verizon Wireless
  • Digital Brand Ambassador of Country Crock
  • Digital Blog Ambassador of Comcast
  • Smarty Pants TravelingMom at TravelingMom.com
  • eBay Parent Panel Ambassador
  • Clever Girls Collective Member
  • Blog Ambassador of Hormel Extended Family Blogger
  • Blog Ambassador of Ragu, Mom’s the Word!
  • Blog Ambassador of the PAM Top Tips campaign.
  • Momversation Panelist.  Videos include: Behind Every Little Bottom: Caroline’s Story ,  Baby Christmas Wishes, Hallmark: Life is a Special Occasion and more!
  • Selected BitMom Blog Network Member.
  • Blog Ambassador of the Huggies Every Little Bottom campaign.
  • Social Media sponsor of the Bright Starts and Pink Power Mom breast cancer survivors campaign.
  • Filmed for the Huggies Potty Project, a reality web series on potty training; http://www.pullups.com
  • Featured on a WSVN segment on The Grocery Game, sharing her insights on how smart shopping can save mom hundreds of dollars of month. (video no longer available online)
  • Guest poster on TechSavvyMama.com to share insights and tips on money saving websites.
  • Selected as a Greyhound in Action for the Loyola University Alumni Newsletter.
  • Conference speaker at MICCA (now MSET) and other organizations on the role of technology in education.

Contact Info

Caroline welcomes the opportunity to experience new brands, travel destinations and more. She is ready to be influential for you across her vast social network.

SmartyPantsMama (a) gmail *dot* com


Media Kit

Visit my Media Kit for up-to-date data on traffic to each of Caroline’s social channels.

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