28 Apr, 2024

The On Demand Bedtime Timer

Measuring time through On Demand is smart – especially when we’re getting ready for bedtime! We get that request, often accompanied with a whine, to stay up later. The a little later, pah-lease mooooom, is requested here a lot. I’m now using On Demand as my time keeper for these moments, and it’s fantastic! I have […]

3 mins read

Soy Milk Smoothie Traveling Soy-ree with Giveaway

Opting for soy milk rather than traditional cow’s milk when making healthy fruit smoothies this summer is a Smart Mama move! Lower in carbohydrates, soy milk provides greater nutritional benefits than the milk we grew up enjoying. Studies on soy has shown that a breakfast high in protein, including soy protein, helps increase fullness and […]

2 mins read

100% of Homes Covered in Bacteria Here

100% of homes tested positive for cold-causing rhinovirus….where? Salt and pepper shaker! We have discussed how reusable grocery bags , remote control, the kitchen sponge and the bottom of shoes are the home of bacteria and germs, but had you thought about your own shakers?  A recent University of Virginia study, has me wiping down […]

2 mins read