26 Apr, 2024

Be GREEN to make GREEN! A chance to win $1000 EBAY gift card, plus ways to earn dollars too!

The greenest product is one that already exists. A pre-owned find has history. By bringing it home, you extend its useful life, keep it out of the landfill, and prevent the environmental impact of producing something new. – EBAY Green Team (green.ebay.com) Had you realized how GREEN you can be by buying gently worn clothing?  […]

4 mins read

Kingston DataTraveler urDrive – Beyond just a USB drive! Win one with giveaway!

Thank you to Kingston for sponsoring this review. Please click here to learn more about Kingston. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions are my own. Kingston has brought the thumb drive to a whole new level with the Kingston Technology DataTraveler urDrive. A thumb drive, a USB drive, […]

4 mins read

Smart Home: Dinner Gets Tough, Sharing tips with Ragú® Mom’s the Word

Dinnertime doesn’t always have to be disastrous.  Finding ways to encourage a positive dining experience is pretty much every Smart Mama’s dream.  If adding a seatbelt to your preschool/elementary aged child’s chair would be appropriate, I bet half of you would use it no time.  Or if every child was so excited to try the new vegetable […]

3 mins read