12 Feb, 2025

Not-so Smart Product: 3 CPSC Product Recalls, including Target Circo Sandals, Rugby Pain & Britax Stroller Fever Drops, and

These are the Consumer Protection Safety Commission (CPSC) recalls that have been issued recently. As a reminder: In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines (which were incorporated into an industry voluntary standard in 1997) to help prevent children from strangling or getting entangled in the neck and waist drawstrings in upper garments, such as jackets or […]

5 mins read

Smart Home: Summertime Dining, Dilemmas and All!

It’s the 1st day of summer!!! Woo Hoo!  Actually, summer means heat, ridiculous humidity and 100% chance of afternoon thunderstorms in South Florida!  That aside, there are summertime food treats that we all love 100 degree heat and all!  Popsicles, watermelon, sherbet, corn on the cob, burgers & dogs….Yes, I’m getting hungry.  As Ragú’s Mom’s […]

1 min read

Smart Food: Harmony Valley Burger Challenge – Guest post by Smarty Pants Dada

This past week I had a very proud moment, I welcomed my husband Tom to the land of blogging.  Drum roll please….here’s Smarty Pants Dada!  He’s chock full of stories, advice and more that he hopes to share with you and the dads in your home!  Head over the SmartyPantsDada.wordpress.com and take a look!  Follow […]

2 mins read

Smart Cause: No Text and Driving Day on Father’s Day by the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority

Texting and driving.  It’s one of the deadliest combinations.  We think teens, but in reality it’s all age groups reacting to the text beep on their phone while driving down the highway. The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) is launching, what I believe, is a Smart Mama campaign, “No Texting and Driving Day” on Father’s Day! […]

1 min read

The Complete Walt Disney World 2011 Book Review

This Smart Mama family has been to Disney 14 times in the last 5 years. Yes, we know Disney. But, Julie & Mike Neal, authors of The Complete Walt Disney World 2011 know better, having tallied over 1500 visits! Most guidebooks focus on the magic of Disney but their guide goes beyond that with great tips […]

1 min read

Smart Product: Omaha Steaks Father’s Day Giveaway! Deadline to enter is tonight, June 5th!

Omaha Steaks® is hosting an “Omaha Steaks Father’s Day Giveaway” where moms, can come together with their children for a chance to win the grand prize The Ultimate Backyard Cookout for Dad that includes: A Char-Broil RED 3-Burner Gas Infrared Grill 12 Custom Cut Omaha Steaks (choose from Filet Mignon, Boneless Strips, Ribeyes or Top Sirloins) 16 Omaha Steaks Stuffed […]

1 min read

Summer Organizing

So the unofficial start of summer 2011 was this past weekend.  It’s time to get the summer to-do list organized!  What projects do you need to get done?  Which ones are more optional but would be awesome to have crossed off the list?  Although summertime is typically filled with kiddies home from school, family vacations […]

3 mins read