1 min read

Smart Cause: No Text and Driving Day on Father’s Day by the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority

Texting and driving.  It’s one of the deadliest combinations.  We think teens, but in reality it’s all age groups reacting to the text beep on their phone while driving down the highway.

The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) is launching, what I believe, is a Smart Mama campaign, “No Texting and Driving Day” on Father’s Day! It is an excellent opportunity for Smart Mamas, Dadas, and teens to pledge to end this preventable deadly combination.  Over 440,000 are killed or injured each year as a result of distracted driving.  How scary is that?!  Think of each time you pick up your phone to read or respond to a text from a friend while you’re not only driving yourself, but innocent children as well.  It’s scary. Most of us have done it.  It’s so hard to ignore the text beep.  But, we must.

I invite you to join in with MDX on Father’s Day and pledge to not text and drive.  To join the pledge and view a very powerful movie on the dangers of texting and driving, visit TextTheLastWord.com.  Please share a comment here to let me know that you too are pledging to make the roads safer not just on Father’s Day but the days ahead too!

Learn more through the eyes of Smarty Pants Dada by reading his post on the dangers of texting while driving!


3 thoughts on “Smart Cause: No Text and Driving Day on Father’s Day by the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority

  1. No texting while driving is a great campaign – hopefully more states will pick this up! I have a 15 year old who will be getting her driver’s license in a few months, so I’m really emphasizing the importance of focusing on driving, not the cell phone.

    I’ll have her watch the video once she gets back from her mission trip next week. Thanks for the link!

  2. I can barely text and walk at the same time, so there’s never been a chance I would be doing that while driving. My younger brother, however, is a different story all together! He has terrified me numerous times being in the car with him while he is texting! I agree with Camden, more states need to embrace this campaign – this is a very serious issue!
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. It is a very important topic. I am so frightened of how distracted we all are driving…it isn’t just teens! Thanks for visiting!

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