28 Apr, 2024

It’s Time to Spa

Marriott International has over 3,800 properties in over 74 countries and territories around the world – 441 are spa hotels! In checking out the Marriott website I saw that there are over 35 “spa hotels” in Florida  – either Marriott or one of it’s 16 brands. Have you enjoyed a hotel spa before? Spa Services Spa’s […]

2 mins read

Break Apart Gifts, Why They Work

A big package of 4 decorative candles might be too much to give your son’s teacher, but break apart the gift box and now you have something for the teacher, the principal, the secretary and even the music teacher! During a recent media visit to a nearby BJ’s Wholesale, I was in awe with the […]

1 min read

Royal Caribbean Vision of the Sea Review, Revitalization Updates

It was a media event with a date night thrown in! Our one-night trip aboard the newly revitalized Vision of the Seas brought about great fun, fantastic food and impressive note taking. This Vision of the Seas review provides my unbiased insights. As media guests of Royal Caribbean, we were provided with a Junior Suite […]

2 mins read