Smart Product: The Bar Method’s Pregnancy Workout DVD w/giveaway
Already 29 weeks pregnant and boy have I had every excuse in the book to not move this growing belly. I go on walks, maybe not as often as I should. I chase my 4 year old, certainly more than I should. Plus I’ve recently moved, so I like to consider each box I unpack as a workout!
A few months ago I was walking through South Miami, a great area of town with fantastic restaurant shops and more. I stumbled across a storefront titled The Bar Method. Did some research online and found out that this is the latest way to burn some calories and get a great workout! My third trimester of pregnancy prevents me from joining any type of gym or new exercise program, especially when the fellow gym rats are six-pack bearing moms! I’m sure you understand! I then came across The Bar Method’s Pregnancy Workout DVD. Intrigued! I would certainly feel more comfortable with a routine with women with big bellies more so than ones with six packs! Even better to do this in the comfort of my home made it a home run!
I put the DVD in and with my 4 year old at my side we began the workout. Wow! I was nervous at first, but the moment I saw the master instructor, a fit woman pregnant with twins, lead the video I knew I could do it too! The workout was just what I, and the baby in my belly, needed! The video was totally within my realm. I could do each exercise and tweak ones that were too much on my bad knee. I walked away feeling great. I loved it!
The Official Details on the DVD
Master teacher Lee Potter in her third trimester with twins her own special wit and playfulness to the Bar Method’s pre-natal workout, a long-standing and popular class at its flagship studio in San Francisco. Lee leads you through this 45-minute long series of gentle, safe and challenging moves, including free-weight work, thigh exercises, standing seat-work, and abdominal strengthening exercises performed while propped up on pillows. Lee’s fellow performers are Hannah Blue, co-owner of the Downtown San Francisco studio and Lauren Dunning, a teacher at the Downtown San Francisco studio, both appearing in this DVD in their second trimester. As Lee puts it, this DVD “will help you feel strong during your pregnancy, will assist you in delivering your baby, and will snap you right back into shape.” Retail: $20.00
About The Bar Method
The Bar Method is full-body exercise program created by Burr Leonard. The workout utilizes a ballet bar fitness technique and draws from the principles of isometrics, dance conditioning, interval training, and physical therapy. The result is a noticeable “Bar Method” sculpted body featuring:
- Firm, elongated muscles
- Reduced body fat
- High muscle definition in the chest
- Improved posture
- Long, narrow thighs
- A lifted seat and defined hamstrings
- Strong, flat abdominals
- Increased stamina and energy
- Extended youthfulness
*Also available, Beginner’s Workout DVD and Dancer’s Body Advanced Workout DVD.
About Burr Leonard, Founder of The Bar Method
Burr Leonard is the founder and creator of The Bar Method, a full-body exercise workout that utilizes a ballet bar technique. The method draws from the principles of isometrics, dance conditioning, interval training, and physical therapy. With 19 years of experience in the fitness field, she and her business partner have turned their one Bar Method studio into a franchise operation with 30+ studios and a media company selling exercise DVDs and accessories. Huffington Post, ABC News, KUSI TV, and KUSA-TV have featured Burr Leonard’s The Bar Method.
A Bar Method Pregnancy Workout DVD was provided to me for review purposes.
I did not do well with exercising while I was pregnant and now that my daughter has just been born, I don’t do well now either. I did try to walk as much as I could – but most of the dvds I rented were completely out of my realm of flexibility!
My former pregnancy workout was walking and stretching.
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Did my tweet of the phrase you posted for entry!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
My former pregnancy workout was getting up a million times during the night to pee. I gained 40 pounds with my 1st and 60 pounds with my second! I sure could use this for when I have my 3rd!
I follow you on FB under Amber D.
I follow you on twitter @penguinlover_23 and it’s only 11:19 my time : ( I hope these count!
When the time that my friend was pregnant… she’s not doing some exercise… and the time that she’s give birth, she’ really have a difficult and painful experience … because she is luck of exercise on the time that she’s pregnant… Now, she knows what to do now on her coming baby. she learn a lesson much.
Exercise during pregnancy is so important. It’s not as easy to do though. Finding the time and energy is very difficult. I hope your friend has luck!
I must say that the best form of pre natal exercise I have found so far has been yoga. It not only leaves you feeling pretty good afterwards but also you can do it right up to the birth. With my daughter I found it also helped with the delivery. I am due in a few weeks and have been doing pre natal yoga and it’s worked wonders.