Using the Swiffer SteamBoost Steam Mop & Child Labor
This holiday cleaning tips post is brought to you by Swiffer® as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post.
Holidays or not, this mama has to clean. Santa didn’t put a 7-day a week cleaning crew under the tree. I remain hopeful that one day it might be there, but until then I’ve got to be Smarty Pants Mama and use tools that work and get the job done. The SteamBoost Steam Mop is my tool of choice to clean the all tile home.
How I Get ‘Er Done, The Tile Floors, I Mean
I have beautiful Mexican tile throughout every room in the house – with the exception of bedrooms and bathrooms. The good or the bad about the deep red coloring of the tile is its ability to disguise dirt and grime. You see, I can have a full day of indoor entertaining with feet stomping all over the place, but to the naked eye the floor essentially still appears clean. That is until you take off you socks and shoes and walk barefoot. At that moment the filth of the floor is quite apparent with the sticky, dirty grime adhering to your toes. Yes, I must sweep – often. But that doesn’t clean it all. A mop – of sorts – is required to dig into the floor and begin to clean it well.
Trying the Swiffer SteamBoost Steam Mop
Post-sweeping, I – in under 2 minutes – put together the Swiffer SteamBoost Steam Mop. I plugged her in and got to work. I started in just the kitchen – the spot of the most grime in this house. I ran the mop slowly. I’m not sure if that is necessary, but I feel like with steam mops going slow and steady is important. I tackled a few square tiles at a time and in under 5 minutes I had steam mopped my entire kitchen floor. After it dried – a few minutes later – I took off my shoes for the true test. No stickiness, plus the light scent of the steam mop smelt very clean.
Child Labor, She Insisted 
My 7 year old is always in the midst of everything. Ever since the SteamBoost Steam Mop kit had arrived she had had her eye on it. I promised her that after the holidays were through we would try it out together. I had snuck in the 1st mop job in the kitchen while she was playing with her little sister. When she finally caught on to what I was doing, she tossed her crayons and coloring book and asked to try it out. A few minutes later my living room had a non-sticky icky floor! She wanted to mop the bedrooms next. Tomorrow, I promised her with bedtime quickly approaching. Had I created a cleaning monster? 😉
My Take
Using the Swiffer SteamBoost Steam Mop was smart – it was efficient and easy. It left my floors clean. It left a light aroma of cleanliness. The challenge of needing it plugged in and the big (long) electrical cord getting in the way like a vacuum cleaner cord was my only grief.
This sponsored post was brought to you by Swiffer®. For a limited time, get a $15 prepaid card when you purchase a SteamBoost Steam Mop Starter Kit between 11/24/13 and 12/31/13. Swiffer BISSELL® SteamBoost™ combines a dirt-dissolving cleaning solution with the power of steam for a deep clean that gets messes mops can leave behind. Also be sure to like Swiffer on Facebook and follow @swiffer on Twitter.