Smart Home: Special Occasion for Big Sister, ala Hallmark Style!
You know those frantic last weeks before your baby’s due date. Like those days when you are going crazy trying to get it all done because you know that the moment the baby arrives, life will do a complete 180. You attempt to get the nursery done, last minute home remodeling and even more important, spending quality time with your children who may quickly begin to experience a bit of jealousy as your attention is shared with their new sibling.
I just experienced this. We recently welcomed the birth of my daughter Cecilia! My older daughter, Isabella, who couldn’t be more overjoyed with her new little sister, certainly has appreciated the special occasions we have spent together before and after the baby’s birth. A few weeks ago, Isabella and I sat down together to look through her baby photos and unpack boxes of her baby clothes that she would soon be handing down to Cecilia. I wanted her to recognize how special she was as a baby, like her soon to be sister would be. Throughout that afternoon, we looked through pictures and then worked together on preparing for Cecilia’s coming by pre-making the baby announcement. We browsed the dozens of styles, selected a photo and tweaked the announcement as Isabella saw fit. It was great! This special occasion was exactly what she needed. She really felt part of the baby’s coming and was even more eager for her arrival.
See the Momversation video on our special occasion.
Be sure to visit for more Hallmark special occasions!
Disclosure: I am a compensated contributor to All opinions are my own.