Make Some Money Selling Your Old Tech Items on Ebay!
The Tech Drawer
Do you have that drawer with a million cables, connectors, old cell phones, cameras and more? I do! Exactly why are you keeping it all? Wouldn’t you rather have a few dollars in your pocket and room in your drawer instead? I know you do!
eBay has become synonymous as a go-to place for shoppers of technology. Sometimes new and sometimes used, it is a large superstore of nearly every tech piece you may need. This week I bought a new battery charger for my camera. I had gone to a few local stores looking for one with no luck. Discouraged that I wouldn’t find a replacement charger for my nearly new fancy camera I logged onto eBay Mobile in the parking lot of the electronics store, found a charger for ¼ of the price than I had expected, ordered it and am now waiting on delivery! Unpack that tech gadget drawer because it’s time for YOU to sell your unneeded, space-taking products! There are shoppers out there, like me, who might need exactly what you have!
Tech Wizards Not Needed
To sell technology on eBay you needn’t be a computer engineer who knows waaaaaaaay more than the computer geek at Starbucks. eBay has cataloged thousands of products that are commonly sold to help you. You can use their prewritten descriptions and tweak as needed based on your particular product. Check out for more info.
Manuals are Hot
If you have the manual to that phone or camcorder be sure to mention it! Manuals often get tossed and are later needed by the next owner of the gadget! Having the manual might set your old camcorder apart from a competitor’s and get you the sale!
There’s a Guide for That
The folks at eBay have put together a fantastic technology guide for its sellers. The guide is chock full of advice on how to best list your tech gadget to make a great sale! Download it at
Disclosure: This post has been created in connection with my appointment as an ebay Parent Panel Ambassador. This is a compensated appointment. All opinions are my own and are not influenced.
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