1 min read

Economical & Budget-minded Paper Bag Lunches

We’ve been cutting coupons, scaling back vacations and big buys. Now with the school year on the horizon, we need to consider ways to keep our kids paper bag lunches yummy and economical! Below are some great tips from the Grocery Outlet:

  • Plan ahead. Shop from a list so you’re less inclined to impulse spend on packaged junk food. Shop your cupboards and leftovers first to avoid duplicate purchases and be ready to change menu plans according to sales items.
  • Involve the kids. They’re more likely to eat a lunch they helped prepare. Create a weekly lunch menu and let them circle their choices. Place healthy menu items (i.e. orange slices, carrot sticks, string cheese, etc.) in the refrigerator produce drawer and let kids choose two or three the night before.
  • Single servings are expensive and waste packaging. Buy items such as yogurt and soup in large containers.
  • Avoid sandwich burn-out. Swap the bread for a tortilla/wrap to make a fun-to-eat pinwheel. Let kids make cracker sandwiches with pre-cut meat and cheese. A hearty cereal packed in a plastic container with milk from a thermos will be a welcome change. And leftover pizza doesn’t require a microwave.
  • Try “extreme value” food outlets – such as Grocery Outlet. These outlets purchase overstocks and closeouts directly from manufacturers resulting in prices up to 50% cheaper than conventional retailers. (For locations – visit http://www.groceryoutlets.com/)
  • Make it fun. Use cookie cutters (animal, holiday, etc.) for fun-to-eat sandwiches. Stickers always brighten up a plastic bag. You can even write a love note on the banana peel.

Thank you Grocery Outlet for these great tips!!

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