27 Apr, 2024

Stomach Flu at Home

I can’t say we took turns. We did it together. Last week my entire family had the stomach flu, with 3 out of the 4 of us having it simultaneously. It was disgusting. We’re good with washing our hands and using Purell but somehow it snuck into our home. In this post, I will share our […]

6 mins read

Prepared for the Pediatrician

Each year it is recommended to take your child for an annual check-up. Being prepared for the pediatrician doesn’t just mean having your insurance card handy. This annual appointment gives the doc the chance to see how your little/big one has grown over the last year and make recommendations for vaccinations, healthy living and more. My […]

4 mins read

Busy Moms Managing Holiday Stress

I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for The Motherhood on behalf of the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Making a list and checking it twice isn’t just a strategy that […]

3 mins read

Grilling Omaha Steaks with the Family

South Floridians pull out those grills this time of year. You see, why the rest of you are starting to head indoors as the cooler weather approaches, South Floridians head outdoors for the cooler temps! Yes, we have a completely different view point of “cooler” temperatures. Regardless the temperature a steak cooked on the grill is […]

1 min read

Organizing the Kids Closet

Go look in their room. What’s the closet like? Be honest. Organizing kids closet could be a nightmare. But it doesn’t have to be. This month on TampicoIsColor.com I share how I got into the girls’ closet and organized it. No, it isn’t perfectly organized. And, yes, it doesn’t always stay as organized as I […]

1 min read

#UnstoppableMoms Sharing Advice

I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for The Motherhood on behalf of the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Are you a mom like me – always running around doing a […]

2 mins read

Last Minute Gift Ideas

Searching for last minute gift ideas particularly for long distance family members or loved ones? Sending gifts across the miles is something that usually requires a lot planning ahead to make sure that the gift arrives to them on time. And the prices of shipping items to far away places often costs more than the […]

5 mins read