1 min read
Brussel Sprouts with Bacon Recipe
Brussel Sprouts with Bacon Recipe
I recently made a Brussel Spouts with Bacon side dish that came out delicious and I knew I needed to share it with you!
Yes, everything tastes better with bacon! This Brussel Sprouts with Bacon recipe might help encourage those veggie-resistant eaters in your home to have a spoonful or two!
To be honest, my husband’s favorite vegetable is Brussel Spouts. I’m a big fan too, but we certainly understand that the taste of these round sprout isn’t for everyone. But one taste that so many love is bacon!
I’m the only one in the house who will eat brussel sprouts, so guess how often I get to eat them? Recipe looks yummy to me!
Brussels sprouts are my all-time favorite veggie. I don’t eat bacon…but if I did!
We’ve done brussel sprouts with bacon before and it was pretty much the only time I’ve enjoyed brussel sprouts, except for fried brussel sprouts.