September 2011
eBay Photo Taking Guidelines to Help You be a Successful Seller
eBay Photo Taking Guidelines to Help You be a Successful Seller Our eBay 5 Item Challenge continues! We have ransacked out closets and identified at least 5 still new or gently used items that are ready to find new homes! Now what do we do? At eBay on Location in Orlando I had the opportunity […]
Traveling in Miami – 4 Great Spots to Take the Family
Miami Resident Turns Tourist! When traveling in and around Miami, no need for planes or trains…just automobiles! Have you ever just looked at the tourist map for your metro area and realized the number of tourist destinations residing within an easy drive-able distance from your home? I recently set out to see the sights of Miami. I […]
Ways to Make After School Snacks Healthier!
Ways to Make After School Snacks Healthier! After school snacks can get junky and repetitive. Just as fast as our morning goes, we’re awaiting our kids at the bus stop before half the laundry gets done. Exhausted, yet wired, kids are ready for the afternoon. Hours of soccer, ballet and gymnastics cram our days and […]
iPhone App Marble Jar May Be the Solution to a Crazy Morning
iPhone App Marble Jar May Be the Solution to a Crazy Morning Motivating children to follow directions is a tough one. I learned as a teacher the value of positive reinforcement – rewarding children for positive behavior rather than focusing on the negative. As a Smart Mama I try to remember this strategy when my […]
Balancing the Dinner Budget – Ragu Mom’s the Word on Dinner Asks
Balancing the Dinner Budget – Ragu Mom’s the Word on Dinner Asks Moms An on-the-budget dinner isn’t always so easy. We’ve all done those last minute recipes where we spend an arm and a leg buying the ingredients at full price because our pantry was empty. I’ve learned, the hard way I might add, the […]
eBay 5 Item Challenge – How to identify items in your closet to sell online!
eBay is the online marketplace to sell your clothes! It’s the store you’ve always wanted that is simply waiting for you to add your inventory! The eBay 5 Item Challenge I’ve challenged you to enter your closet and pull out 5 items that can make you some money. Our closets are typically full – full of items […]
EBAY On Location – Asking the Questions with #ebayparent panel!
eBay On Location has provided an abundance of information to empower you and me to be profitable eBay Smart Mamas! I am here with the eBay Parent Panel learning exactly how to make it possible! Right now I’m sitting in a session titled Listing Makeover! I just learned how photo size, clothing measurements and more […]
When School Ends, the Day Just Begins, Guest Post by Alexis, The Exhausted Mom
Today I welcome Alexis Prieto, the infamous Exhausted Mom, to share how she manages her exhausting life! She’s a mom we can all relate to, and her posts always make me feel less stressed when I see how she manages with kids, work and a traveling spouse! If Alexis can do it, so can I! […]
Rock ‘N Learn Videos are Excellent Tools for Back to School Learning
Reading, writing and arithmetic. That’s the focus. Homeschooling, back to school or even just entertainment in the car DVD player – moms are searching for fun ways to educate their children. What can YOU do to support your pre-school or elementary aged children as they embark on a new school year? It’s important to keep it […]
421K Germs Linger at the Bottom of Your Shoe Soles! What to do?
The Asian tradition to remove shoes before entering a home is centuries old. The muddy streets of Japan long ago, made it necessary for the shoe removal, to prevent the grime of the street to enter their homes. Although streets are now paved in most of Asia, the tradition is set within their cultural norms. […]