7 Smart Ways to Make Family Travel Affordable
As Smart Mamas, you are looking for ways to make family travel affordable. You want to provide your children the opportunities to explore the world, see different cultures, and have fun. I get it. However, your bank account doesn’t. Using clever ways, family travel can be more affordable. Some ways work better than others. 7 […]
3 Reasons I’m Celebrating at BlogHer12
August 2-4 the largest blogging conference, BlogHer will have thousands of bloggers obsessing all-things social media and beyond in New York City. It’s the Mac Daddy of conference. I attended in 2010 thanks to my partnership with Huggies Every Little Bottom. This year I return through a just launched partnership with CVS MinuteClinic! I’m thrilled […]
Smart Food: Simply Smart Cheddar Chive Mini Muffins
Are you wondering what is Hood Simply Smart Milk? I was. Here’s what I found out: Hood found an innovative, natural technique called ultra filtration to remove some of the water that makes lowfat milk look and taste watery. The result is simply delicious milk rich in nutrition and taste. Simply Smart: All the taste, […]
Non-Theme Park Destinations are Great for Family Vacations
There parks aren’t necessary for fun family vacations. Did you know that a 2010 Family Vacation Survey found that 97 percent of parents who go on family vacations want a trip that both they and their children will enjoy? I can’t imagine what the other 3% prefer! Travel Ticker®, a leading inspirational travel website, today […]