Smart Product: Hallmark’s Augemented Reality Card brings baby’s present!
On December 25th we are very much looking forward to opening a special present under the tree. You see, the baby in my belly will be announcing that day if it is a girl or a boy! Earlier this month I had an ultrasound done where the technician was able to discern the baby’s gender. I asked her to keep it a secret from me and put it in a sealed envelope. On Christmas morning we will anxiously run down the stairs to see if the nursery will be pink or blue when we open that sealed envelope!
See how I used a cool Hallmark augmented reality card to share a special message from the baby in the belly with my daughter Isabella. On Christmas another Hallmark card will be awaiting her with the sealed envelope to announce if she will have a baby brother or a baby sister!
These cards can be found where Hallmark cards are sold! They make the perfect card for kids to grandparents and are available for not just the holidays, but for other special occasions too!
This was so adorable. Adds a great personal touch & connection with your daughter and baby before he/she gets here.