Saving Dollars & Cents with a Florida 529 Savings Plan
They say that the days are long and the years are fast. I couldn’t agree more. We just wrapped up 1st grade and 5th grade in this house. Where has the time gone? Where are the dirty diapers and watching their first steps? Those milestones have passed all too quickly.
I cannot believe my oldest, Isabella, will be entering junior high in August. I remember her first day in pre-school like if it were yesterday. She was excited and I was nervous. In no time at all, she was graduating into Kindergarten. Tears were shed (by me) and we started the next chapter in her education. Now the years seem to be going faster. We’ve reached this onto junior high milestone. Who knows how fast the future will fly by?
I can just imagine that in the three short years when Isabella begins high school I will be in shock. Even more, in the seven years when she will be bidding farewell to high school and packing her bags for college. Can time please stop?
College Prep at 11? Yes!
While I don’t need to be purchasing her dorm room decorations just yet, my husband and I make a conscious effort to remember how important it is to be saving our dollars and cents for the inevitable college future. In partnership with Florida Prepaid, I want to share a plan that is helping families just like mine prepare for the time that is arriving faster than we want. It’s the Florida 529 Savings Plan. It’s how we prepare for tomorrow – whether that be in 6 years or 10 years for our youngest.
A Florida 529 Savings Plan gives parents, like Tom and I, the ability to stow away money for the girls now for their educational future. It’s a simple and effective way to be a Smarty Pants Mama. Families can contribute as much or as little as they want. They can decide the frequency to their contributions, as well. It’s customizable to a family’s needs.
Florida 529 Savings Plan Incentive
If you open a new Florida 529 Saving plan by June 30, 2018 via MyFloridaPrepaid.com you will earn a $25 contribution into your new college savings account. But, it doesn’t stop there! Families who set up an automatic monthly contribution of $25 or more, will get another $25 seeded to their accounts by Florida Prepaid. This offer only applies to new accounts opened between May 29, 2018 and June 30, 2018 and is limited to the first 5,000 enrollees so don’t forget to take advantage before this offer runs out. Funds earned will be deposited directly into your Florida 529 Savings Plan account by August 30, 2018. Click here to learn more.
The Florida 529 Savings Plan is an investment plan that may be used to set aside funds for future higher education and certain K-12 education expenses. Funds may be used tax-free to pay for any qualified higher education expense nationwide. Please review the Program Description and Participation Agreement for the Florida 529 Savings Plan for further details.
While my two girls are both not even teenagers, as parents we must prepare for their teenage years and beyond for the earliest years. I hope to inspire you to consider a Florida 529 Savings Plan for the educational future of your children. It’s a Smarty Pants Mama thing!