Windows 8X Apps for Emergencies
1 min read

Windows 8X Apps for Emergencies

It might happen. It might not. But a Smart Mama must always be prepared. I’ve browsed the extensive Windows Store for FREE apps that moms should have set on their phone in case of an emergency. Here are my 3 favorites emergency apps for Windows 8X phones:

Windows 8X apps for EmergenciesThe Emergency Kit: Stores personal information, including name, address, birthdate, allergies and medications. There are other very useful capabilities within this app, including SOS Morse code that will blink repeatedly for help while keeping the screensaver from activating. There is also a siren alarm that also has SOS morse code but done through sound not light. General first aid information are also included.

Mobile First Aid: This is an app that you must pin to your start page. Upon launching you can quickly call 911/Emergency. Secondly the Basic Life Support (BLS) Sequence gives the user step by step instruction in a flowchart type fashion for aiding someone in danger and launches a call 911 screen at the moment you need.

Windows 8X apps for Emergencies

Windows 8X apps for Emergencies

Tap for Help: Out of your neighborhood and need to get to the closest police station ASAP? This app will help you. Or how about a nearby mechanic before you drive another mile with the muffler sounding like THAT? The Tap for Help app does a quick search based on your location of about a dozen different categories, including police, fire, hospitals, pet needs, automotive, churches and more.

Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program and have been provided with a wireless device and three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.



4 thoughts on “Windows 8X Apps for Emergencies

  1. These are pretty cool! It looks like Microsoft is really moving forward with new ideas for their operating system(s) and to compete with Apple!

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