Dozens of receipts, appointment cards, driver’s license, too many credit cards, insurance cards, mass cards, gift cards, $5, coupons, membership cards, and business cards have created my George Costanza wallet! I’m sure most of you remember the Seinfeld episode where George’s wallet was so overstuffed that he walks and sits at a tilt. Well, I can’t say that I walk like someone who hasn’t had their V8, but I officially can no longer open and close my wallet in public without feeling embarassed.

This morning I tackled my wallet! I threw away some receipts, put others to file, tossed the expired coupons and the business cards of people I don’t even remember meeting….I challenge you to the tackle!!

Wow, very impressive! My purse always gets very cluttered and overflows before I ever get around to cleaning it out.
Thanks for sharing!
Great job. I serioulsy need to do this more often!
Good for you!!!
Great tackle!
I should do mine!
Now, that is something I need to do!
UGH!! My husband harasses me about my cluttered wallet every time I pull it out of my purse. I’d clean it up, but what would he have to complain about? I can’t rob him of that pleasure.
Wowee! Seriously, great tackle!
doesn’t that feel good? WTG!
Great job cleaning out your wallet!
Hmmm. I won’t show you my wallet. It’s kinda scary. I will share my sunflowers though.
For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.
Oh my gosh! I haven’t thought about that episode in YEARS!
Great job on the tackle and thanks for the trip down memory lane!
Wow! That was enough to put in a small purse let alone a little wallet :o) Try being a man and sitting on THAT in your back pocket! :o) Good job!
Be sure to stop by my blog for the new button codes and a giveaway :o)
Hopefully we’ll see you next week.
What a familiar project to tackle, seems cleaning out my purse is always on my to do list!
Way to go! 🙂