Smart Food: Hidden Surprise Easter Egg Rice Krispie Treats! Plus a Smart Mama Tip!
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We’ve all seen the commercial, come across the ad in coupon circulars and more for the Hidden Surprise Easter Egg Treats using Kelloggs Rice Krispies cereal! You watch it, especially with kids, and you have the instant desire to make them. They look adorable and they don’t look to difficult to make!
Well for a “nothing thankfully planned on this Thursday afternoon” type of day, I stopped by Target and picked up the ingredients. My daughter was ecstatic when I picked her up from pre-school with the news of what we would be doing!
The first steps are your standard Rice Krispie Treats recipe….melt the butter, add the marshmallows and stir in 6 cups of cereal.
Now it got a little more challenging! We took out 2 larger sized plastic eggs and began to stuff them each with the mixture. This is when we realized that the direction to butter your hands was an important one. I quickly took out some PAM cooking spray and got our hands nice and greasy/un-stickable!
Stuffing the eggs was a little easier now. Using our thumbs we made a dent on each half of the Rice Krispie eggs. But getting our creation out of its mold was a bit of a sticky mess. That’s when a great Smart Mama idea came to mind. Spray the eggs with PAM too! Our subsequent eggs came right out of the mold easily!
Our M&Ms (the standard pack, they had run out of the Easter ones) were placed in the insides of the shells, and yes, a few landed in our mouth! Closing the eggs with their hidden treats inside was a little challenging for my 4 year old….as she smashed an egg or too when trying to carefully seal them.
All in all, the activity was fun and something that could become a tradition in this home!
Who else tried it? Any other Smart Mama tips to add?
To see the specific directions:
How fun AND yummy!
It was great meeting you the other day!