26 Apr, 2024

Tackle It Tuesday –

Happy Tuesday! To me there is something so special about getting a card…birthday, congratulations…in the actual mail. Yes, I agree that sending your birthday cards through Hallmark.com or BlueMountain is in doubt easier and cheaper, but the thrill of finding a special little envelope addressed to you is awesome! My grandmother-in-law, should receive an award […]

2 mins read

Munchkin Monday – Meet Munchkin Jude!

Munchkin Monday!!!Drum roll please…..Today’s Munchkin Monday is…..Munchkin Jude!!! Name: JudeBirthday: December 13, 2006Age: 17 monthsLikes: Trucks and airplanes, bathtime, Veggietales, staring out the window, reading books with Mama, climbing things all by himself and going down slides unassisted.Dislikes: Eating normal food, sitting still, getting out of the bath or wearing a hat. Don’t forget to […]

1 min read

Munchkin Monday – Meet Baby Ana!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Today I am pleased to announce this week’s Munchkin Monday…Baby Ana! Name: Ana Birthday: 9/26/07 Age: 9 months Likes: Bananas, swings, taking a bath, Elmo, and she loves her daddy! Dislikes: Squash, getting out of the bath, and long car rides. Don’t forget to enter your munchkin for chance […]

1 min read