A Florida 529 Savings Plan
“But mom, can’t we go to the movies again this weekend?” whined my tween. I knew she wouldn’t like my answer but it was important for her to understand why we didn’t want to spend another $100 going to the movies with the family a second weekend in a row.
“Sweetheart, although going to the movies is fun and something we all enjoy doing, it is important to be smart with how we spend our money. Wouldn’t you rather us save the $100 and use it towards our next Orlando vacation?” The soft mumble response let me know she understood.

Smart Mamas should model smart spending and saving habits with our children. When they watch us opt to save rather than spend, they learn how to make this often difficult financial choice.
In this home, we make the smart financial choice to save in a 529 savings plan that will greatly help with future college expenses. The Florida 529 Savings Plan is smart choice for smart mamas and smart families.
Save Now and Spend Then
We don’t want our children to be burdened with student loan debt down the road. Our smart saving NOW can allow them to have more money to spend THEN. One option to save for college is a 529 savings plan. Families can use a 529 Savings Plan for many education costs—from qualified K-12 expenses to higher education tuition and fees, housing, books and supplies. Funds can be used at any qualified educational institution nationwide, public or private. This is an investment-based plan that offers families a flexible way to save as much or as little as they’d like for college on their own schedule. There are aggressive and conservative investment options available and you can open your plan in about 10 minutes.
Florida 529 Savings Plan
Thankfully this year as we are preparing for summer fun, we can also earn a few extra bucks with the Florida 529 Savings Plan. Now through May 29, Florida Prepaid will seed your account with $25 and if you set up an automatic monthly contribution of $25 or more, they will add another $25 into your account. Sign me up!

Celebrate on 5/29
Looking for a reason to celebrate this month? On 5/29, we can all celebrate 529 Savings Day! It’s a day to be thankful for opportunity each of us have to save now for our child’s future!