2 mins read

13 Days to Celebrate the Earth

Although Earth Day is the most celebrated, it is most certainly not the only holiday intended to honor Mother Nature.  A quick search online brought me to United Nation’s list of the 13 different “environmental” holidays. Environmental Awareness

  • February 2: Wetlands Day
  • March 21: World Forestry Day
  • March 22: World Water Day
  • March 23: World Meteorological Day
  • April 18: World Heritage Day
  • April 22: Earth Day
  • May 22: International Day for Biological Diversity
  • June 5: World Environment Day
  • June 17: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
  • July 11: World Population Day
  • September 16: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (World Ozone Day)
  • September 28: Green Consumer Day
  • October 1-7: World Wildlife Week

That’s an impressive list. I’ve heard of three and celebrate just one, Earth Day. You?

Schools, families and communities are finding ways to celebrate Earth Day each year and now more than ever, every day. It’s impressive the creativity that is shown by these groups. A search on Pinterest showed unique crafts families could do to celebrate Mother Nature.



We do honor the Earth and the environment each day in our home. Simple steps done in my home have made us more green. Listen to what we do…

Our three simple ways help me demonstrate to my children how easy it is to protect and care for the environment.  My 5 1/2 year old isn’t too shy remind me to use my reusable water bottle if we’re about to head out the door, or pointing out when the recycled sign is imprinted on packaging like the Hormel Natural Choice meats. Thanks to decent television programming, education at school and what we do at home, our future is looking greener. How do you celebrate the Earth on days other than Earth Day?

Disclosure: I am currently a member of the Hormel Foods Extended Blogger Program and this post is part of my involvement in the Group. While Hormel Foods provides me material and necessary resources to complete various activities, all statements and sentiments stated are my own.

4 thoughts on “13 Days to Celebrate the Earth

  1. Nearly all the national organizations publish informative newsletters and magazines, offer discounted admission to parks and wildlife sanctuaries, and organize guided tours of natural places near and far.

  2. It is great that you are teaching your children from a very early age to be more responsive towards protecting our environment. We celebrate the world Environment day. On that day my friends and I go to the parks and streets and clean the litter. We also go through the street while raising slogans to spread awareness.

  3. Is your Earth Day Every Day logo copy write protected? We’re looking for a catchy logo/slogan for our Earth Day clean up at the navy’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. I like the one above and thought I might suggest its use to our team.

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