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Smarty Pants Product of the Week Giveaway – Barbie I Can Be – TV Chef

Smarty Pants Product Giveaway

Product: Barbie I Can Be – TV Chef
Retail Value: $14.99
Entry Dates: Today – Sunday, November 23, 2008, 12:00 PM EST
Winner Announcement: Sunday, November 23, 2008 via blog posting and email.
How to Enter: Are you Smarty Pants Mama regular reader, or is this your 1st visit? Please share a comment to enter this week’s giveaway!
Other Tiny Details: Product will only be mailed within the 48 continental states. One entry per person. I will contact the winner via e-mail by Monday, November 24, so please be sure I know how to get in touch with you if you win!!! If no contact info is provided it automatically disqualifies your entry. Winner selected by Random.org.

165 thoughts on “Smarty Pants Product of the Week Giveaway – Barbie I Can Be – TV Chef

  1. This isn’t my first visit, but I wouldn’t consider myself a regular reader either. I kind of hit sites when I think about them or I hear about something of interest.

  2. This is my first visit. These blog sites are so interesting so I kind of skip around on them. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. I’ve been here usually once or twice a week, it depends on how much time I have to read articles and look at new products on line.
    Thanks for the chance to enter.
    I loved my Barbie’s when I was a girl. Wish they would have had this TV Chef set when I was little.

  4. wow i realy like this and i come to your site most every day and well i realy love to win this i know a little girl who would just love this thanks

  5. I’m a first time visitor. Nice site.
    My daughter loves to play tv chef while cooking with me.
    She’d love this toy.

  6. I’ve stopped by before not on a regular bases though. I have been busy doing family history so don’t get alot of time to just browse very often..
    This is a nice giveaway. One of My newly aquired nieces would love to have this Barbie..
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. I believe this is my first time to your site but have enjoyed checking it out. My daughter would have such fun with this. Thanks for the chance.

  8. This is my first visit. I’ve been really curious about blog contests as I’m about to start my own. These things really work, I think! Thanks!

  9. This is my first visit too. Very nice blog. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    HunnyV “at” Optonline “dot” net

  10. I’ve never visited here before, but I looked around some and I like what I’m seeing.

  11. This is my first time visiting! I love the little puzzle pieces, I will come back soon. Thank you for the chance to win!


  12. First time visitor here! I love the look, theme, and graphics. 🙂 Thanks!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. This is my first visit, via prizey. I don’t normally care all that much for Barbie, but this is just a cool doll.

  14. This is my first time here, but it looks like you have a fun site! I’m sure I’ll be back.

    scblog at hotmail dot com

  15. To be honest, I couldn’t tell you. I go to so many different mamma sites I don’t remember who’s who anymore or which site had something I wanted to look back on.

  16. This is my first visit, I found you on Prizey and I’ve added you to my blogroll!

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com

  17. This is my first visit and I’m bookmarking the site so I can visit often. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Chrystalnblue @ yahoo.com

  18. I come here maybe twice a week, I like the recall page, LOVE the cute munchkins, and I love the prize. Since hubby is worried about his job (auto industry in MI), this would relieve some stress for him, we have 4 kids to buy Christmas presents for!!!

  19. I have been here many times.. Thank you for the chance to win this, my daughter loves all and everything Barbie!

  20. This is my first time at the site and it is really nice. Thanks for the great giveaway! I would love to win for my granddaughter.

  21. This is not my first time but I wouldn’t consider myself a regular visitor. I just don’t have a lot of time. BTW I love your background!I bookmarked your recipe for Corn Casserole. It sounds so good, I will have to try it. Thanks for the giveaway!

    braaisjo at gmail dot com

  22. I’ve been here before but I wouldn’t call myself a regular. There are so many blogs to read these days that I’m not really a regular anywhere. I just read what I can when I get the time.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  23. This is not my first visit. I’ve been here a few times.

    Please count me in on the drawing and thanks for the opportunity.

  24. This isn’t my first visit to your site, but I wouldn’t consider myself a regular reader either. So many blogs, so little time! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  25. This is my first visit, I love the look of your blog, I’m going to poke around a bit later on, I’ve bookmarked ya 🙂

  26. This is my first time here and I have to say, in the words of a famous two headed dragon, LOVE IT! I love the fact that you have new recalls WITH THE PICTURES! I can’t remember half the time what our items are called, the pictures ALWAYS help! Keep up the great site.

  27. This was my first visit, but I will definately be back…this barbie is so cute, and my girls love food network!as****@ch********.com

  28. I think I’ve been here before. (I recognize the puzzle pieces). I added your button to my blog so I can find you again!

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