Smart Cause: Dollars for Diapers, a Garage Sale turned Diaper Drive
In just 3 hours, over 400 diapers and $100 in loose change and bills were donated by strangers, family & friends.
These diapers and dollars are now in the hands of Rev. Rebecca Hines of Destiny Diaper Bank, a diaper bank partner of Huggies Every Little Bottom. How did I do it? I had a garage sale! Through my advertising in the paper, on flyers posted around the neighborhood and online venues, I invited those who came after my treasures to bring a pack of diapers! I also had a large jar set out titled Dollars for Diapers. I provided deals to customers willing to donate. I bargained with one lady who wanted nearly two dozen magazines. She wanted to pay $4 for the magazines. I wanted $6. I offered them for $4, if she would then donate $1! It worked. She got the magazines and Destiny Diaper Bank got $1. People wanted to support my cause and people wanted my goods!
I was in awe with the tremendous number of people who were willing to throw a few dollars or loose change into the jar. Many of them had struggled in the past and even shared stories with me of how they too had difficult times providing diapers for their children. They were moved that people like Rebecca Hines had started organizations to support people like them. One woman even had a tear come down her eye, as she shared memories of her constant challenge of doing everything right for her children.
Another mother, now with children off in college and beyond, was very drawn to the cause. She felt an immediate call to action when I briefly explained how I put together the diaper drive. She is anxious to do one at her church. An aging man, certainly in the grandfather category stopped to listen to my plea for support. He, like many men, isn’t as tuned-in to the cost of diapers. Even with sales, coupons and clearance events diapering babies is very costly. He dropped all the change of his pocket in the jar.
More and more people arrived, almost ALL dropping change in the jar, at times bringing a pack of diapers, and even buying some of my treasures! It was a fabulous day.
The drive and the need continue. Rebecca continues to diaper babies in her neighborhood, and other organizations in your area do too. Please find a moment today to visit the Every Little Bottom to learn how and where you can Donate Diapers. Diaper banks participating with Every Little Bottom have included Amazon Wish Lists that include specific needs. All diapers purchased through Amazon Wish List will be delivered directly to the diaper bank.
If you are interested in learning how you can host your own diaper bank see how to Get Involved. I will post details on my exactly how I planned and prepared in an upcoming post.
Please share how you plan to Get Involved in Every Little Bottom with a comment on this post, or through a tweet, Facebook or other social media outlet!
As an official Blog Ambassador I am a selected social media partner for the Huggies Every Little Bottom campaign. I am compensated for my time as a consultant to the program. However, the content and thoughts shared in this post are my own.
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