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Baby Turns 1 and I’m a Mess

Baby Turns 1 and I'm a Mess

I’m a nostalgic person. All week I’ve been commentating about, “A year ago today I was …” I very much remember those last days before I gave birth to my beautiful Cecilia. As I write this, I’m thinking that a year ago right now I was in the hospital demanding more pain relief. Little did I know that I had nearly another 12 hours of labor to go. I remember it all, well as least most. It was such a special day. It’s also a very special day for Tom and I. During those long hours at the hospital we were 100% in it together. I may scream some obscene words a little later, but we were both in anticipation for the birth of our 2nd daughter. We held hands. He got me ice and we bonded like never before. He’s a great dad. He tears up. He won’t really admit that, but I see it.

In this last wonderful year, our family has endured a lot. When Cecilia was born my father was half way through treatment of the cancer that was reaching havoc on his tonsils and throat. My husband had recently been assigned to run a project nearly 2 hours away. The rental property we own was being destroyed by horrible tenantsĀ and even a Craigslist Scam! She was the light at the end of that dark tunnel.

Now looking back at 2011 and it’s craziness, I immediately think to the joy, the wonderful birth of my 2nd child and the love and silliness of my older munchkin. The trials have passed. My father is CANCER FREE. My husband has a new job that he LOVES and is 30 minutes away, and we now have wonderful tenants who treat our home like their own.

My Dad holding the Baby.
My Dad holding the Baby.

God gives us challenges, but never anything we can’t handle. He most certainly put us up to the challenge last year. We took on the challenge – with some complaints along the way. We entered 2012 with bigger smiles and determination to make this a better year.

Happy Birthday Cecilia!

Baby Cecilia is 1!

3 thoughts on “Baby Turns 1 and I’m a Mess

  1. Happy Birthday Cecilia! Well i am sure there is no question why you are so blessed with a lot of things and people in life.. Keep it up!

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