29 Apr, 2024

Recall Wednesday: Mattress Sets, Hooded Jacket, SCAN Stove, Step2® Basic Rhythms Drums™ & Coby DVD/CD/MP3

Below are the CPSC recalls that I have received since Wednesday, April 21, 2010.  A few hooded sweatshirts, a portable DVD and a Step2 play drum are certainly kid items that you may find in your home. As a reminder: In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines(pdf) (which were incorporated into an industry voluntary standard in […]

6 mins read

Recall Wednesday: Mares Nemo Air Dive Computers, Baby Walkers and Children’s Hooded Sweatshirts

Below are the CPSC recalls that I have received since Wednesday, April 14, 2010.  Just three this week!  Of course there’s another sweatshirt with drawstrings are being recalled.  {annoyed!} As a reminder: In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines(pdf) (which were incorporated into an industry voluntary standard in 1997) to help prevent children from strangling or getting […]

3 mins read

Ultimate Blog After Party ’10!

What a great party!  My feet hurt, my head hurts and I’m craving fried food! Great party, great times!  Thank you 5MinutesforMom for organizing such a huge event! All in all, my favorite sites that I learned about during this fabulous fiesta are: Little Tech Girl: great techy advice for moms! Dayngrous Discourse :  a fellow […]

1 min read

Marigolds don’t dive!

Marigolds don’t dive mommy, they’re not submarines! That was the response I heard after I told my 3 ½ year old that pouring the bubble juice on her marigolds would make them die. LOL!  Couldn’t be happier with her response!  I had feared the responded to ‘what is die?’ with her this morning! How would you […]

1 min read

Recall Wednesday: Hammary Furniture, Women’s Peacoats, Children’s Snowsuits, Kumma IR Stow & Go Grills, Mecca Jackets,TUSA RS-670 Regulators

Below are the CPSC recalls that I have received since Wednesday, April 7, 2010.  Guess what we’re seeing again????  That’s right, mores sweatshirts with drawstrings are being recalled.  {annoyed!} As a reminder: In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines(pdf) (which were incorporated into an industry voluntary standard in 1997) to help prevent children from strangling or getting […]

7 mins read

Recall Wednesday: Power Strips, Hooded Jacket, Moshi Power System Jacket, Crate & Barrel Water Bottle, Costco Shelves, Hockey Stick & Gund Book

Below are the CPSC recalls that I have received since Wednesday, March 31, 2010.  MORE sweatshirts with drawstrings are being recalled.  {frustrated!} Again, Burlington Coat Factory has recalled items.  Please think twice when shopping in that store! In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines(pdf) (which were incorporated into an industry voluntary standard in 1997) to help prevent […]

7 mins read

Smart Product: CLIF Organic Twisted Fruit & CLIF Organic ZBars – w/giveaway

     Picky eater in this house!  How about yours?  I was provided with a sampling of both the CLIF Organic Twisted Fruit & CLIF Organic Z-Bars.  Here’s what I think: The CLIF Organic Twisted Fruitare tasty and nutritious!  These fruit snacks come in 6 different flavors, increasing the chances of satisfying the pickiest of eaters!  […]

2 mins read

Name the Vegetable! What did I slice and bake last week?

GPXTGRWP52VT Continuing our Food Revolution…I have been using all sorts of different fruits and veggies in my cooking.  (Many thanks to my produce club subscription – Annie’s Organic Produce Buying Club.) Well, this week we received something that I certainly had never heard, seen or tasted before.  What do you think it is?  I’ll let you know that it […]

1 min read