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Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Scentsy Warmer


Classic Scentsy Warmer
Smarty Pants Review
Stinky diapers, shoes, rotten milk…you name it…the smell lingers in this house!
I’ve always been a smelly candle kind of girl, but things have certainly changed with a toddler always on the go, trying to climb where she shouldn’t and reach where I don’t want her!
A few months ago I came across the exact solution for my no more candles dilemma…Scentsy!!! Scentsy warmers use the heat of a light bulb (just 25 watt) to melt a fragrant wax block. As the wax block melts, the aroma is unreal. The scent spreads around the room, even better than a really good, and expensive, scented candle. But, and most importantly, no fire danger!
The scents: Dozens, upon dozens of Scentsy Bars to choose from! There are holiday scents, pretty floral scents and the yummy, makes me hungry, baked cookie type scents!
The warmers: Super stylish! They have a tremendous variety of styles, to match any type of room.
I’ve heard about some other Scentsy products, like the car “candles” and the room spray, but I haven’t tried them yet!!!
Why is it a Smarty Pants of Product? Unique Scentsy Warmers use a 25-watt bulb with no flame, soot or wick making it a special, safe treat for a Smart Mama’s home!
Retail Value $44
Smarty Pants Product Giveaway
Product: Classic Scentsy Warmer and Wax
Retail Value: $44
Entry Dates: Today – Sunday, November 9, 2008, 12:00 PM EST
Winner Announcement: Sunday, November 9, 2008 via blog posting and email.
How to Enter: Share your favorite Scentsy Scent or why you are interested in using Scentsy! (Visit https://www.scentsy.com/Dawnb5199 )
Other Tiny Details: Product will only be mailed within the 48 continental states. One entry per person. I will contact the winner via e-mail by Monday, November 10, so please be sure I know how to get in touch with you if you win!!! If no contact info is provided it automatically disqualifies your entry. Winner selected by Random.org.

171 thoughts on “Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Scentsy Warmer

  1. I would love to try the Ocean scent! I think this is a neat product, and I could feel safe using it knowing I won’t have to worry about open flame, candles burning etc… those have to be carefully monitored in the same room at all times. With this, I could plug it in in my stinky bathroom (litter box heaven lol…) and make it smell great!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  2. Pumpkin roll sounds wonderful. I was invited to a party and was upset i had something else going on.
    vickers at comcast dot net

  3. I love that I wouldn’t have to worry about a flame or something catching fire if it accidentally gets knocked over (typical of my cat to do). I’ve been dying to try these! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com

  4. My husband encouraged me to try Scentsy because everyone at his school raved about how wonderful they are. I gave it a try and love it. I have two girls in diapers and their room reaked. I put the Scentsy in there and now I don’t gag everytime I walk in. I would love to have another one for the house and the Cranberry Spice for the holiday season.

  5. The sangria scent could be interesting. I have two cats that sometimes like to jump on places they shouldn’t. This is perfect because there is no danger if they bumped it

  6. I went to the site, but couldn’t easily find a list of scents. I love the idea though, and it looks like it would match most decorating styles as well.

  7. I have a similar unit that I purchased locally. I was afraid one of the cats was going to knock over a candle so I made the switch.
    I’d pick the Mediterranean Spa scent, I think it sounds like something that I would like anyway.

  8. Wow, there are a lot of really tempting scents! I think Cinammon Vanilla would have to be my favorite, though.


    littlebittypenguin at gmail dot com

  9. My favorite flavor is Cinnamon Bear. It is so wonderful! It makes my house feel so homey, and I don’t have to wonder if people are coming in smelling questionable smells.

    brookeaheaton {at} hotmail [dot] com

  10. wow all the scents sound great. I love want the home sweet home or the cinnamon vanilla.I love that I can leave the room and not worry about a fire starting. Thanks for the giveaway!


  11. I would love the autumn sunset smell to put in my house. During the cooler months in Michigan I cannot open the windows and get fresh air flowing so I must do my best with the scents of candles and such. great giveaway!

  12. The Pumpkin scent sounds heavenly! I’ve been looking for a “candle” that doesn’t have hot wax after a near accident with my 20 month old pulling down a candle warmer full of hot wax.

  13. ooooh they are sound sooo yummy! I am interested in the Mulberry Apple Masala. It would make a house sooo homey. And trust me with the stinky thing…Rotten Milk is the worse! (or maybe the rat that died in our wall…we live in an old house)
    [email protected]

  14. I’ve heard so much about these! I’d love to try every scent, but especially the exotic vanilla. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  15. I love wax warmers and trying new scented products. I think a scented home makes everything cozier. Honestly these all sound wonderful(plus more)..
    Sangria,French Kiss,Herb Garden,,Enchanted Mist and Cozy Fireplace(See..Cozy!!).

    [email protected]

  16. I am looking for a clean, fresh scent. Or even a holiday smell. I need to look through the catalog more to see.
    jtheye1105 at aol

  17. Wow–what a great giveaway. That warmer is too cute. I’d like to use a Scentsy Warmer because we have cats. Not only does this mean the occasional smells, but the warmer is also safe for cats who don’t mind their tails (candles can be bad!).

  18. I would love to try the Scentsy~I LOVE for my house to smell good ALL the time-but with 2 boys, a husband, a cat & a dog-THAT can be a chore. I like the idea that there is no flame involved (curious paws…)and the vanilla walnut and pumpkin roll sound yummy!

  19. I would love to try the pumpkin roll or peach cobbler! It seems like my house always smells like the diaper genie and dogs! Scentsy sounds great because it is safe to use around my baby!!!

  20. This is the first time I’ve seen Scentsy products and I have to say, I’m impressed! I love the variety of warmers and the scents sound wonderful. I would love to try Cinnamon Vanilla!

  21. I’ve never heard of these before. What a great idea! I would love to try them.

    🙂 Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂

  22. Vanilla Walnut sounds like a Yummy scent! I like the idea of being able to leave the fragrance burning in my home, even if I have to go out. No blowing out candles,,,sounds great!
    aleach6179 AT gmail DOT com

  23. I think the Cinnamon Vanilla sounds wonderful! My house never smells as fresh as I want it to. This product sounds great! Thanks for the great contest!

  24. I would really love to try the Sugar Cookie scent! Wouldn’t it be great to have your entire house smell like cookies?

    jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  25. I would love to try the Sticky Cinnamon Bun scent. It just sounds and also smells yummy!


  26. I can’t use candles because my cats get their tales in the flame–so this would be perfect for us. I would like the Chistmas tree scent for the holidays—and the Cinnamon Bear sounds like holidays, too.
    [email protected]

  27. I’ve never tried these, but would just love to! All the fall scents sounds delicious and I’m also interested in the lemon scent.

    firstrosegrrl@ yahoo.com

  28. I would love to try the Ocean scent. It sounds like it would be a nice clean invigorating scent. I would like to try this because it sounds like it would be less messy and less danger of fire than candles.

  29. I’ve not tried their products before but they look wonderful. I just downloaded their catalog and have several items on my “I Want” list. I really like the pretty Bombay Borneo Jakarta warmer and would love to try their CAMU CAMU scent.
    Thank you for the nice giveaway.

  30. My favorite two scents are vanilla and raspberry, so the Black Raspberry Vanilla would be my favorite.

    Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

  31. Cranberry spice sounds great. Our office building is lax on ventilation and we’re not allowed to use candles, so this would be the perfect thing for my office to smell wonderful.

  32. What a great idea this is! It is scary to have an open flame in the house with two small children running around.

    I would like the cinnamon vanilla or the Christmas Tree scent for the holiday season. Great giveaway, thanks =)

  33. Although I love trying new scents my favorite is still True Vanilla. I would also love to try Christmas Tree and Baked Apple Pie, both sound so very nice.

  34. I think Cinnamon Bear sounds great! With two dogs, it seems like I can’t keep the house smelling welcoming. And I like that Scentsy doesn’t require candles – I always forget to blow them out anyway!

  35. The Mediterrean Spa Scentsy Scent is my favorite. It sounds very exotic, relaxing and calming. I am very interested in using Scentsy because I love to have a home that smells inviting and fresh. I have 3 young children, 2 dogs and a husband with a lot of hobbies, so I spend a lot of time making sure the house is clean. It would be an extra bonus to have all my hard work topped off with a beautiful fragrance that completes the entire process. It is also nice to know that with the kids and the dogs this is a safe way to fragrance the home. Thank you so much for introducing this product to us and for the opportunity to enter.
    [email protected]

  36. Cinnamon vanilla would be my choice and i would really like it in the “Lodge.”
    I could really use this because I am so absent minded that I live in fear that I am going to leave the house and leave a candle burning

  37. I too like that I you don’t have to worry about a flame or something catching fire, would love to try the cinnamon vanilla.


  38. I love that there is not an open flame to worry about when the kids are home.

    I would love to try the exotic vanilla, it sounds great.


  39. I am interested in this because I am afraid of the open flame situation, but love the scent of candles. I think that spiced orange harvest sounds great. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  40. Just got my first scentsy warmer for my house and I love it! As a teacher, I’d love to have this safe product for my classroom. Those 5th graders can be pretty smelly after recess! For the holiday season I’d love Snowberry.

  41. Between dirty diapers, DH (lol), litter boxes and wet dog, methinks this could come in real handy here! The Cherry Clove Chutney sounds wonderful!

    stormraven at gmail dot com

  42. The vanilla cinnamon would be a wondeful scent. I would like to try Scentsy becuase there is no flame (i have kid) and the odor goes further than a regular candle. Thanks!
    skstigger (at) hotmail.com

  43. The cinnamon cider scent seems perfect for this time of year! This product looks really kid and pet friendly! Thanks!

  44. This is interesting: SCENTSY Candle Bars are the answer! Impressively fragrant wickless candle bars that are warmed in a warmer, rather then burned with a flame.

    Thank you!

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  45. I’m interested in trying Scentsy because I have 2 cats and, even though most of my house smells clean, it’s always nice to put a little extra good-smelling effort into the area where their litter box is!

    life.is.my.adventure [at] gmail [dot] com

  46. The scentsy brick in clove and cinnamon sounds yummy. Those are two of my favorite scents and particularly appropriate for this time of year.

  47. Octobers scent of Vanilla walnut sounds… fab! I’d be hungry all the time, but I’m alright with that.


  48. Pumpkin roll sounds wonderful! I love to scent my house but find candles to be too much of a hassle because you’re committed to that one scent. I much prefer warmers because the scent can be changed to suit the mood.

  49. would love Vanilla…and love this product…always on the go, finally a great product to scent up the home that is safe…thanks for entry!

  50. I have never tried Scentsy, but I would like Christmas Tree because my son is allergic and we have to have an artificial tree.

  51. I would like this because I always seem to buy pretty candles but they don’t smell enough. This sounds like it has a wonderful strong smell. This time of year I would pick cinnamon cider. Thanks!

  52. I love scented candles, but worry about them being knocked over or forgetting to put them out. I would love to try the Cinnamon Vanilla!
    smchester at gmail dot com

  53. I would love to try this new product. I have never heard of it and I am all about making the home smell sweet and clean. Sometimes it’s hard to get certain odors out of the air and I am always willing to try new things.
    [email protected]

  54. This is a wonderful product! I think I am going to order one for my sister’s birthday. I’d love to try the Juicy Peach scent, which is my favorite smell ever!

  55. Thank you so much for this giveaway. These warmers sound so interesting. I’d love to try the Christmas tree scent. Thank you.

  56. I would love to try a scentsy warmer because the light bulb instead of a little candle would be wonderful with the dumb curious cat I have. He likes to ‘check out’ everything and I’m afraid he’s going to knock over a candle one day.

  57. I have a fur-person that when he goes outside when its raining, he comes back in smelling like a wet dog (he doesn’t like that word)

    I’am sure this would help his smell.
    Thank you

  58. I want one of these! I love the idea of using the light bulb. The cinnamon bear would be a nice scent for this time of year, with the holidays coming. Thanks for having a great contest!

  59. I’d love to win this, it would be a nice special treat for myself! I’d love to try the sticky cinnamon bun or the spiced orange harvest scents!!

  60. cinnamon vanilla sounds good but its hard to choose… i think this would be great as a friend of mines house was burnt down because of a candle she forgot about.. now i always worry about burning candles

  61. I am interested in using Scentsy because I want to get away from the old fashioned way of scenting my home with candles. I hate the smell in my home when I blow out the candle. This is an awesome product.

  62. I have heard of these burners once before from a co worker but first time to really investigate, sounds like a really good alternative to candles to me, I was thinking this would really be good for my camper in summer, When it has been closed up it will smell musty, then I light a candle and worry about it when I am outside, thanks for the giveaway, I like the snowflake red burner and would like to try cranberry spice scent. thanks

  63. I would love to try Thunderstorm! I’d like to try because I love that this doesn’t use a flame – my daughter could use it in her room and I wouldn’t have to worry!

    believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

  64. The Cinnamon Cider sounds great. I would love to try this because of the “no flame”. With cats in the house I am always worried about candles or the like. Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. I love amaretto and the apple pie! I love that people will think that I am baking when I am not! Thanks for the giveaway.

  66. I would Love to try the Black Raspberry Vanilla Scent. Between Babies, Pets and the Hubby I really need something like this that I would feel good about leaving around everyone who is usually where they shouldn’t be…lol…I just love it when the house smells good. Thanks so much for the chance =)

  67. The sangria scent sounds wonderful! And I love the product because you don’t have to worry about blowing it out -it is safe and easy. acirucci(at)gmail.com

  68. So many of the scents sounded great, but I know I would love Lots of Lavender and Ocean! I love the safety aspect of this product

  69. i would choss winter wonderland scent and the reason i would use this is no fire hazard and also i wouldnt burn my fingers trying to lite it thanks for the giveaway

  70. I have to say Black Raspberry Vanilla or the Cinnamon Vanilla. Both sound yummy. I really love to use scents during the holiday season. Thank you for the opportunity!

  71. Torn between Mediterrean Spa and Enchanted Mist. Oddly enough we were talking about candles and the dangers of lead wicks today!

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