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Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Roll-N-Go Diaper Caddy


Roll-N-Go Diaper Caddy

Smarty Pants Review
The Roll-N-Go Diaper Caddy is just what smart mamas need! It provides a fashionable, organized manner of storing your diapering needs & more when you’re on the go!

At this stage of the game, 22 months, I need about 2 diapers, wipes, cream and forms of entertainment (crayons..) on any adventure out of the house, so I “loaded” the caddy appropriately before I took it out on my 1st adventure, the park!

Rolled up, with the items I mentioned above, the caddy measured about 6 inches in girth…not bad. No one would even know that diapers and Desitin were stuffed inside with its very fashionable, Asian inspired red print.

When it was time to really test it out (diaper changing time) the caddy worked as expected. I was able to open it with ease, although closing it was a little bit of a challenge with little Miss Squirmy ready to run!
Why is it a Smarty Pants Product?
As mamas, smart or not, we live in a world of sticky, crunchy floors, mismatched socks and broken crayons in our pockets. We deserve any moment, as minimal as it may be, to feel and be a little lady-like. The Roll-N-Go Caddy provides that, and the best part is that it also keeps you organized with diapering and other little ones things!

Retail Value

Smarty Pants Product Giveaway

Roll-N-Go Diaper Caddy
Retail Value – $60
Entry Dates Today – Sunday, September 28, 12:00 PM EST
Winner Announcement Sunday, September 28, 2008 via blog posting and email.
How to Enter Share a comment to this blog entry with 3 essential items you always carry in your bag for your munchkin(s).
Other Tiny Details Products will only be mailed within the 48 continental states. One entry per person. I will contact the winner via e-mail by Monday, September 29th, so please be sure I know how to get in touch with you if you win!!! If no contact info is provided it automatically disqualifies your entry.

126 thoughts on “Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Roll-N-Go Diaper Caddy

  1. One new trick I learned – 2 mini-M&M containers filled with crayons along with small coloring books, extra trucks for Pojke, and books for Flicka.

  2. These diaper caddy’s look convienent and compact..my 2 favorite things. I always(last 7years) have diapers, wipes, bottles/sippy’s, and pacifiers on hand. Thanks for giveaway.

  3. 3 essential items:

    -wet wipes
    -favourite toy of the week

    These tend to be the always (besides diaper, forumla and all the rest)

  4. I would always take:
    1. pacifiers
    2. extra outfit
    3. cherrios (for older stage)
    This is on top of the "essentials" like wipes, diapers & bottles.

  5. I have learned that you have to have those poopie diaper bags because sometimes the smell can linger when you throw the diaper away. You also must have extra diapers and lots of wipes. Thanks for the great giveaway and for the chance to win. ec*****@ya***.com

  6. love the caddy – it will help to save loads of time on a public changing table, while holding baby down with one hand (baby is always trying to climb/roll off) with the other hand frantically digging for the essential wipes, ointment, cheerios, and diaper.

  7. well, my little munchkin isn’t here yet….two months to go, but i imagine it’d be:

    1) Changing pad/cloth/SOMETHING to prevent his/her precious little bum from coming in contact with all the germy infestations that’s out there! (I’m a germaphobe!)

    2) Wipes, wipes, wipes!

    3) diapers? That’s a given….I think burp clothes as well.

  8. The 3 (out of what feels like 50) essentials items we don’t leave home without are a pacifier, snacks and of course diapers. Boring list huh?

    nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com

  9. I have a lot more than 3 essentials, but the most essential essentials would be:
    Snacks (including drinks)

    Thanks for the great giveaway! This would be so useful!
    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  10. Extra clothes for kiddos (shirt for me…)

    Baby wipes


    (cell phone, chap stick, gum, wallet…lol)


  11. 1. Wipes
    2. Diapers
    3. Soy Milk
    Other stuff: sunscreen, lots of snacks, change of clothes, crayons, cell phone, sunglasses, etc, etc, etc!


  12. My daughter is almost 2 so the main thing I always check for is snacks. We can’t go anywhere without a supply of goldfish crackers as well as diapers and wipes.


  13. Oh, I so need a Roll-N-Go. I carry all of the usual stuff like diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes for my 1 year old but my other must have’s are sunscreen, hand sanitizer and at least 2 Hot Wheels cars (for the 5 year old).

  14. I always have with me in my diaper bag:

    1. change of clothes for baby
    2. teething toy
    3. burp cloth

    In addition to diapers, wipes and butt paste, of course!

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. I always carry wipes, diapers, and a spare change of clothes for my two! Hope I win — my diaper bag is horribly disorganized!

    ksrutledge at hotmail dot com

  16. I try to bring 2 snack choices wherever we go, a pair of undies and a pullup (we’re potty training!) and wipes. If everything else was lost from my bag and I had those three things we could probably still make it through the day!! πŸ™‚

  17. In addition to diapers, wipes, etc. I always carry a spare outfit, baby sunscreen, and non-alcohol based antibacterial hand wash. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Outside of diapers and wipes, I always take my wet bag (hold more than just dipes), $5 in dollars (never know when you need a quick snack) and change, and my pouch sling (more convenient than a stroller).


  19. Aveeno diaper rash cream, spare outfit, and a snack…of course diapers and wipes are a given! m_huston(at)hotmail(dot)com

  20. Besides the obvious (diapers, wipes) I take babylegs I made in case it gets cold, an extra onesie (because she spits up a LOT), and my nursing cover!

    Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to win!

    ladyufshalott at yahoo.com

  21. I always have a diaper, wipes, and SNACKS!! She is happy in a store if she gets snacks!!

    ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com

  22. I have a beautiful 4 month old daughter so this product is just perfect for us! I would carry the essentials: Diapers, wipes, and baby powder, and perhaps an extra onesie and bib. I also will make great use of the compartments and carry some essentials based on where we are going that particular day (sunscreen, pacifier, etc.)

  23. Since it holds so much the question should have been after the first three most important items, what then…but since the question isn’t that..lol diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes for baby…add for me water, and chocolate!

  24. Besides the basics my most important items are: Change of clothes, extra socks, favorite toy.
    lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

  25. Since baby is so little, I dont need lots of extras in the diaper bag yet, but I do always have wipes, diapers and a change of clothes!

  26. I have a 15 month old so it’s not going to be anything enlightening but here is my list
    1. diapers/wipes
    2. snacks/drink
    3. extra outfit for accidents/spills

    jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

  27. Only 3 items, yeah, uh huh, we all know that isn’t going to happen. lol. If I could only take 3, it would have to be the diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes for each of my 3 youngest because you know that as soon as you forget any of those 3, you will definitely be needing it as soon as you remembered you forgot them. πŸ˜‰

  28. The 3 things we always carry are something to drink, extra diapers and of course some extra changes of clothes. Thanks for the give-away! πŸ™‚

  29. Sorry it doesn’t sound too original but my must haves include:

    1. diapers
    2. wipes
    3. an emergency change of clothing
    4. formula
    5. favorite interactive toy

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