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Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Elfing Around


Elfing Around
Smarty Pants Review
What a wonderful idea!!! Elfing Around provides the opportunity to start a great, fun tradition with your munchkins! Each Elfing Around package includes a tremendous amount of activities, from tattoos to a letter from your Elf! Most importantly your family Elf arrives, ready to spend the pre-Christmas weeks getting your munchkins even more excited!
Very clear directions are included, to guide you on the steps to introduce the Elf to your home. Your child will anticipate waking up each morning before Christmas to find the Elf and see what note he/she has left behind.
Last year I used a similar type Elf with a class of Pre-K/Kindergarten students. I would place the Elf in a different location each morning. The Elf was there on behalf of Santa to monitor the behavior of the students. Wow, how it worked! What I especially like about Elfing Around, is that it goes beyond the behavior monitoring, to include a Parent Adventure Guide Book. This book does all the thinking and creativity for you! It’s just great!
Why is it a Smarty Pants of Product?
I truly value tradition. I think it is very important to instill important, memorable traditions for your family. Elfing Around is a fantastic tradition to continue to keep Christmas alive in your home. I hope you each consider bring an Elfing Around into your homes for this holiday season!
Retail Value $30
Smarty Pants Product Giveaway
Product: Elfing Around
Retail Value: $30
Entry Dates: Today – Sunday, November 16, 2008, 12:00 PM EST
Winner Announcement: Sunday, November 16, 2008 via blog posting and email.
How to Enter: Share your favorite ‘Free Stuff’ that is provided on www.elfingaround.com that can be used with your elf!
Other Tiny Details: Product will only be mailed within the 48 continental states. One entry per person. I will contact the winner via e-mail by Monday, November 17, so please be sure I know how to get in touch with you if you win!!! If no contact info is provided it automatically disqualifies your entry. Winner selected by Random.org.

136 thoughts on “Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Elfing Around

  1. What a cool prize! I teach 3 yr olds and this would be fantastic. My tradition is that every Christmas my daughters and eye put our Santa jigsaw puzzle together. It stays on display until after Christmas.

  2. Our family tradition is to put the tree up on December 1st while listening to Christmas music. This gets us all in the holiday mood!
    smchester at g mail dot com

  3. We like to drive around and look at Christmas lights one night. Also there is an old castle here that is all done up for Christmas and we go there one night. My kids also love to track Santa on the web Christmas eve. They check the computer every 5 minutes it seems. Puzzles are something we can do any other day of the year. Usually we save them for rainy days when there is nothing else to do.

  4. Our family tradition is that our family goes out the weekend of Thanksgiving and we choose a Christmas Tree. Then we go home and decorate it. Each one of us has our own xmas ornament and we hang them 1 at a time, myself, my husband and our 3 sons πŸ™‚

  5. Going out on my husband’s birthday which is in the first week of December, and chopping down our tree. It can be a pain sometimes, but what memories we have. We are always able to chuckle afterwards.

  6. wow this is realy nice giveaway i love to try and win this and well on x-mas eve we exchange the family gifts and on the x-mas moring we get a joy out of the kids oping there x-mas gifts santa has left for them and we have a big x-mas dinner

  7. Our favorite Christmas tradition is to put up two Christmas trees. One we decorate as a family and the other the kids decorate as they want. Thier tree ends up with stuffed animals, toys, etc. on it. They love doing this so much.

  8. My family gets together every year and bakes home-made dog bones for the Christmas Bazaar our local animal Shelter has to raise money. Its a no-kill shelter and this bazaar helps keep it running. The whole family gets involved and we always have a great time. Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. our favorite has started the past few years- serving at a shelter and going and giving blankets and presents..

    my favorite is a beautiful cake we make each year to celebrate his birth..

  10. The lights that folks put up outside are what we go to see every year. Great displays and we even want to go thank them for putting up an awesome sight to see.

  11. making candy houses- cutting/taping cardboard boxes, smoothing them over with vanilla icing, and decorating with tons of colorful candy that sticks onto the icing.

  12. We love baking cookies for santa together with the kids πŸ™‚

    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway and please enter me!


  13. My favorite tradition is on Christmas Eve morning. I make a crock pot full of sausage gravy, biscuits, and a breakfast casserole. Our children and our grandchildren and friends come over. Since the kids know that we eat before the gifts are opened, all we here is when are we going to eat, can we eat now, are you done yet?. Its a wonderful time

  14. My husband sits down with the grandkids and reads The Night Before Christmas! Even though they are older now they still look forward to it!!

  15. Thank you for having this. My favorite tradition is that we always get together with family on Chirstmas Eve and then when everyone leaves each of my 3 children get to pick one present under the tree to open early. It is always special for all of us. Thank you!
    [email protected]

  16. get together with family tell stories and laugh, we do this once a month. it keeps us close and brings us together in this busy crazy world

  17. Hi, this is such a great and cute idea! The free stuff I could use with the elf would be the “nice list”. Thanks!

  18. Our favorite tradition is driving around looking at the holiday displays and “awarding” them with “awards” such as “Best display”, “Most Colorful” and so on.

    I love the “Nice Certificate” on their site in the free section too. Very cute!

    HunnyV “at” Optonline “dot” net

  19. My niece would love elfing around with the free map from the website. I love Christmas time because my entire family can get together. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. My faves from the free stuff is the Customizable Santa Letter 1
    Customizable Santa Letter 2 – my son is getting right into that at the moment, thanks.

  21. We go out to look at the light displays amd then return home to sip hot cocoa or eggnog around the tree. Thanks for the contest!


  22. We get together with all the aunts and grandma’s and bake cookies all day a week before christmas. There are probably 20 of us in the kitchen. It is a great mess and a whole lot of fun! Plus I get three times the cookies I normally would!

  23. My husband always reads “The Night Before Christmas” to my kids on Christmas Eve right before they go to bed.

  24. The letter from Santa. It can be customized with child’s name and Elf.
    How great that would be. Thank you so much!
    judybrittle at aol dot com

  25. My 8 little granddaughters look forward to playing Bingo with grandma on Christmas afternoon to see who will win the “extra” little gifts left under the tree by Santa. The gifts he mysteriously “forgot” to put names on. We have a wonderful time.

    [email protected]

  26. I love the Nice List Award. It’s very clever. The coloring pictures are adorable, too.

    hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

  27. we all decorate the house together on friday after thanksgiving. then there’s the advent wreath candles to be lit…trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  28. Oh My! My kids would love these! Our favorite Christmas tradition is to make drawing/paintings for Santa and make cookies. What a wonderful way to spend time together as a family!

  29. I like all of the coloring pages from the free section. The kids are going to love this.
    Our holiday tradition is trimming the Christmas tree.
    Thank you for the nice giveaway.

  30. This is so cute! Our Christmas tradition is done the 24th, instead of the 25th, since I know that the kids will be more interested in their presents. First we read “The Night before Christmas” book (which was passed down from my father reading it to me as a child), and then we read the excerpt from the Bible of how Jesus was born that night. I want the children to understand that Christmas isn’t just about Santa and toys and gifts, but also about Jesus.

  31. we pick out our tree together-decorate, watch A Christmas Story and eat alot of cookies

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  32. Nice List Award…

    Favorite Tradtion:
    Letting my little one open 2 gifts on christmas eve..Last year a book and a movie.. this year hopefully a movie and jammies to snuggle up with mom and dad and baby brother to watch her new movie..

  33. we have a couple of traditions we do every year no matter what…We make home made ornaments from salt dough and cinnamon dough, we watch white christmas and all the classics like frosty and rudolph the red nosed reigndeer and we open one small gift each on christmas eve.

    [email protected]


  35. We love to decorate the tree together we take turn with the ornaments and enjoy each one!


  36. My favorite Free stuff was the customized letter from Santa.

    Our traditions are pretty lax. We do brunch and dinner at Christmas. Letters to Santa have to be done by Thanksgiving. Takes Santa a long time to make those toys, you want to get your list in early. Any changes after Thanksgiving may not be honored.Depends on if Santa is very busy (aka the item is now out of stock everywhere) Also
    Presents from Santa are not wrapped, presents from mom & dad are wrapped.

  37. My favorite Christmas tradition is the “Christmas Feast” we have on Christmas Eve, which consists of everyone’s favorite foods. We have everything from beef jerky and cheese-in-a-can to smoked oysters and caviar!

  38. When my husband and I married, he started the tradition of buying me a Christmas tree for my birthday and decorating it that weekend. We have continued that tradition with our 2 daughters though we use an artificial tree now. I am actually thinking of breaking that tradition though so that we can have our tree & decorations up longer than just two weeks!

    Thanks for the entry!

  39. I love the Santa Letters, but I bet my niece and nephew would like the coloring pages. This would be awesome for them. Around Christmas time the only way to get them to sleep is to say the Elves are watching for Santa.

    Thank you,
    [email protected]

  40. The free gift tags are my favorite freebie. It saves me money and a trip to the store to buy some.

  41. After all the kids have opened their gifts on Christmas morning, we take one of those gifts and give it away to a charity.

  42. We still do Christmas stockings. My husband never did them when he was a kid and I was able to pass my family tradition on.

  43. My favorite ‘Free Stuff’ from elfingaround.com would have to be the coloring pages. Of the 9 listed, the Boy Elf With Candy Canes was my kids favorite. I did like the Customizable Santa Letters as well. Great site.

  44. I love love love making fudge with my mom, we have done this for as long as I can remember! It was my grandma that showed us how! Thanks for a great contest!
    hawkgirl_16 @ hotmail.com

  45. thanks for the wonderful site li like the nice award which i will add to their letters from santa i just love x-mas our tradition is baking cookies our families get togther and bake all day

  46. My birthday is in the beginning of December and ever since I was little, that was the day I decorated the tree with my family.

  47. The customizable letters to Santa are truly a wonderful item. I was trying to think of what the letters my kids receive this year should say so they’d be different from the last couple and these are just what I was looking for! I’ve got 7 kids, including a 2mth old it won’t matter much to yet, but the 20 mth old and the 3 year old will be a blast to share all this with this year!

  48. Every December 19th (my birthday) We start the candy making and cookie baking. We hand these out to our friends ,family and neighbors on Christmas eve. I got this tradition from my mom. Thanks for the giveaway.

    [email protected]

  49. I get the foot prints of santa and put them all over the house for our boys to follow in the morning. we also like to listen for the baby reindeer that are practising landing on our roof every night (Secret:its the neighbors cats!)

  50. The family getting the tree and putting up the tree as we drink hot chocolate and watch holiday films. And I always hang the candy-filled stocking for our family on Christmas Eve. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

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