Smart Cause: Hockey for Huggies! NHL & Diapers now go hand in hand!
What does hockey have to do with diapers? Diapers and ice hockey typically don’t go hand in hand until now! This month the NHL has teamed up with Huggies and Every Little Bottom with Hockey for Huggies. Throughout February, the 30 National Hockey League (NHL) teams will host diaper drives at their arenas during a designated home game! The diapers collected will be distributed to local social service agencies and will be covering baby bottoms in no time!
Just recently Grey’s Anatomy star, Ellen Pompeo, shared her support of Hockey for Huggies! See the YouTube clip: Ellen Pompeo Promoting Hockey for Huggies!
What can you, the very Smart Mama, do to support “Hockey for Huggies?”
- Attend your local team’s designated game with a pack of diapers in hand!
o To see the dates and times of diaper drives check out:
o If you attend the game, be sure to share the excitement of Hockey for Huggies on Facebook, Twitter… using hashtag #hockey4huggies
- Not able to attend a game? Then donate online or by texting!
o Simply text the name of your favorite NHL team to 501501 in the U.S. or 20222 in Canada! Each text will donate $5 and directly help diaper babies in the team’s community. If you don’t have a favorite team, I encourage you to text PANTHERS, as their donations will go directly to Destiny Diaper Bank that I have supported these last few months!
o Easily donate only by visiting to select your favorite team and donation amount!
- Share details of this fantastic partnership with the NHL and Huggies with local area moms, local kid hockey organizations and more!
- Post, tweet, Facebook and more about this program with your online community!
Ok, I’m curious. Who’s your favorite NHL team? Or are you not a hockey fan? Please share!
As an official Blog Ambassador I am a selected social media partner for the Huggies Every Little Bottom campaign. I am compensated for my time as a consultant to the program. However, the content and thoughts shared in this post are my own.