Supporting School with Fuel Your School in Miami-Dade
I was a public school teacher for nearly 10 years. It was my life. It was before I was married, before I had kids. My students were my life. There was (nearly) nothing that I wouldn’t purchase for my classroom if it meant providing a better learning opportunity for my students. I spent 100s and 100s of dollars every year. It warms my heart to learn of a program that made its way to Miami-Dade County Public School last year – a program that supports teachers just like I was back then.

Public and charter school teachers can enroll in Fuel Your Schools by Chevron. The purpose of this campaign is to get the $$$ teachers need for classroom projects directly into their hands. Teacher provide information on a project they would like to do with their class, including the additional out-of-pocket money they would have to spend. They enter all the information on DonorsChoose.org. Once approved, donors – like you and me – can find their project listed on the giant map on FuelYourSchool.com. Chevron customers are helping to fund through individual gas purchases of 8 or more gallons at Chevron stations through the end of November. Yes, it’s THAT EASY!
Encourage Schools
Wondering what you can do? Spread the word! Let the schools in your community know about the program. There is a limited time to provide project information and there is obviously limited funds. All public and charter school teachers may enter their project and fund request information. Call your child’s school today and tell them to go to DonorsChoose.Org and enter their specific projects.
Support Schools
Not a teacher? Head to FuelYourSchool.com and find a project you would like to support. Right from that site you can quickly and easily donate as much as you would like towards that specific project. Of course you can also get gas at Chevron during the campaign’s duration and pump your tank with gas, too!

Fuel Your Schools in Action
Just last week a project funded through Chevron’s Fuel Your Schools delivered science gear to Jose de Diego Middle School in North Miami. The children were thrilled and quite honored to have individuals – strangers in fact – donate money to their specific classroom. Read the details on his specific project: http://www.donorschoose.org/project/lab-coats-and-scientists-and-goggles-oh/1273892/?challengeid=318626
In 2013, Chevron helped fund projects in 192 different public schools in Miami-Dade County, impacting more than 72,000 students, via 712 teachers who participated in the program. In 2014, Chevron will contribute $1 to help fund eligible classroom projects when consumers purchase 8 or more gallons of fuel from October 1 to October 31, 2014 at participating Chevron and Texaco stations, up to a total contribution of $500,000 in Miami-Dade County alone.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, I encourage you to visit FuelYourSchool.com. I am certain that when you begin to scroll through the list of incredible educational opportunities that are looking for funding you will want to do your part.
Awesome idea for the schools!
What a great program. My parents are both retired teachers. I’m going to share this with them!
I love seeing companies helping schools and giving back…because a lot of people aren’t supporting schools anymore!
Great to see big companies giving back to the community.