Back to School Time – 5 Ways to Make Your Morning Run Smoothly
On your mark. Get set. GO!
Back to school time is here! Some of us have started. Some are anxiously waiting. Regardless, we all spend these weeks transitioning into the new school time schedule. It’s nerve-racking, but being a Smart Mama can increase your chances of a successful morning!
Here are 5 ways you can be a Smart Mama and keep the school mornings running smoothly:
- Lunch boxes ready! Start on this the moment they get out of school. Figure out what they would like for lunch the next day (that is if you even give them an option.) Start preparing lunches at your 1st free moment that afternoon/evening. If space allows, keep the lunch boxes in your fridge overnight. If not, place the refrigeration necessary pieces (i.e. sandwich, yogurt..) aside in the fridge to easily stuff in the lunchbox in the AM.
- Breakfast ready! Part of our after dinner routine for my daughter is toset her place for breakfast. She places a clean placemat, bowl or plate depending on what she wants, silverware, cup and napkin. When she’s up and ready to eat the following morning, everything is already set – including the decision on what she’ll eat.
- Coffee pot ready! While my daughter sets her breakfast setting, I get the coffee machine ready and programmed. I even set my empty coffee mug next to it, waiting for that 1st cup!
- School Clothes Ready! My daughter’s outfit is out on her rocking chair. Although she wears a uniform, which truly makes it much easier on me and her, she does alternate between her PE uniform and her jumper daily!
- Mama’s clothes ready! As much as I want to drive her to school in my jammies, it’s not the look I’m aiming for! The night before, I set out my outfit – typically workout pants and a t-shirt, sneakers and socks – so absolutely no decision has to be made!
What do you do to keep your mornings running smoothly? What works? What doesn’t work? Let’s add more Smart Mama ways to keep our school mornings running smoothly!
Think these Back to School tips are ones other moms should know about? If so, please share it by using any {sharing} button below! Thanks!
Do you have tips that all Smart Mamas must know? I invite you to be a guest Mama and share it in a post! Email me {SmartyPantsMama at gmail . com} to let me know!
Really these are great tips… ones that as a mom of kids from 2 – 16 I should already know and be following… but I don’t. Maybe this year I’ll get my act together and get on board with better organization! LOL!