Latest CPSC product recalls.
Recall Wednesday – Papasan Chair, cooler, TV stand, toy police car, ride-on vehicle, scooter, toaster, chest and toy boat!
Here are the recall notifications I received from the CPSC over the last week. The information comes directly from the their official announcement. Please check your homes for the items and follow the directions provided to remedy. Name of Product: SmartSpace(tm) Papasan ChairsHazard: The chairs were sold without a warning label instructing consumers to lock […]
Recall Wednesday – Cribs, scuba regulator, headlamps, lights, Harry Potter Bookends
Smart Mama’s: Please review the recalls the CPSC issued this week. The information below comes directly from the email I received from the CPSC.Name of Product: Simplicity Brand Drop Side CribsHazard: Due to sizing problems with the crib’s hardware, the drop side can come off the tracks. When the drop side detaches or partially detaches, […]
Recall Wednesday – scuba regulator, toy helicopter, gas boilers, water bottle, & soccer goal
The following 5 recalls were issued by the CPSC over the last week. The information below comes directly from the listsrv notification emails. Please be a smart mama and check your homes for these products. Name of Product: Titan DIN 1st Stage Scuba Regulators and Titan/Conshelf DIN Scuba AdaptorsHazard: Over-tightening of the DIN retainer by […]
Recall Wednesday – laptop, gas range, pendants, baby carrier, screwdriver, dog leash, infant socks & bicycle handlebar stems!
Happy Wednesday! I have received 8 recalls from the CPSC over the last week. Please review the information below that comes directly from the recall notification email. Name of Product: Deda Forza Bicycle Handlebar Stems Hazard: The top of the bicycle handlebar stem can crack and cause the rider to lose control, posing a crash […]
Recall Wednesday – Lights, water dispenser, stroller, sweatshirt, baby toys, accessory bags
Below are the recalls I have received from the CPSC over the last week. I have included pictures for each, however, a number of items have additional pictures available on the official CPSC notification. The information below comes directly from the listserv emails I received. Please review the each recall below and check your homes. […]
Recall Wednesday – Wire Splice, Bicycle Fork, Ventilator, Power Light Module, Coffee Maker, Stroller Activity Bar & Car Charger
Good Morning! I have received 7 recalls from the CPSC over the last week. The information below comes directly from the email notifications I received. Please be sure to check your homes for these items! Name of Product: Electrical Wire Splices (also known as Butt Splice Connectors) Hazard: The splice can fail to hold the […]
Recall Wednesday – snowboard bindings, helicopters and bikes!
The following recalls were issued by the CPSC over the last week. Please check your homes for the items and following the directions in the official recall listing. The information below comes directly from the CPSC listsrv notification I received. 1. Name of Product: 2007 Rossignol HC Snowboard Bindings Hazard: The nuts that attached the […]
Recall Wednesday – Hoodies, grills, play pans, blender, & lights!
Happy Wednesday! I have received several recall notifications from the CPSC in the past week. It important that you take note of the items listed below. Be sure to visit the official notification, via the URL provided, to get additional information on each recall. The information I have included below comes directly from the email […]
Recall Wednesday – Cribs, bike pedals, halogen work light, & brad nailer!
5 product recalls have been issued over the last week. The information below comes directly from the CSPC email listsrv notifications I received. Please check your homes for these items. Name of Product: CribsHazard: The cribs fail to meet the federal safety standards. The distance between the mattress support bracket in the lowest position and […]
Wordless Wednesday – Ribbit!
Last night as I sat at my kitchen counter typing up the Recall Wednesday post, I glanced up towards my large window and I was VERY much surprised to see a HUGE frog suctioned to my window. I watched him through the glass, enjoy some yummy mosquitoes for dinner!Look! Upclose!!
Recall Wednesday – air pistol cylinder, vacumn, bike, wooden toys, baby rattle, magnets, and rope!
I have received 10 recalls this week. Please review the items listed below. The information comes directly from the email notifications from the CPSC. 1. Name of Product: Walther Air Cylinders for Air Pistols Hazard: The cylinders can burst when in use and/or while being filled, posing a risk of serious injury to consumers. Description: […]
Recall Wednesday – ATV, Bicycle, TV Stand, Log Splitter, Binkie & Lighting
There have been a number of recalls issued by the CPSC in the past week. Please review the postings below and check your homes.The information below comes directly from the email listsrv notifications I received. Name of Product: SLA90 Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) Hazard: The youth ATV lacks front brakes, a manual fuel shut-off, and […]
Recall Wednesday – Charms, Craft Kits, Lawn Mower, Lip Gloss & Bench Scale Adapter
Just 5 product this week! Please review the photos and details on the recalled items. All the info below comes directly drom the listserv email notification I received. Name of Product: Children’s Necklaces with Ballet Shoes Charms Hazard: Solder on the charm of the necklace may contain high levels of lead, which if ingested by […]
Recall Wednesday – 13.8V charger, paintball gun, bicycle, Costco beds, charm necklaces
I have received a number of recalls from the CPSC within the last week. As you saw, I posted 2 last Friday as the had to do directly with the 4th of July (fireworks). Please check your homes for these items. The information below comes directly from the email notifications I received. Name of Product: […]
4th of July Fireworks Recalls!!!
I don’t typically list CPSC recalls on Fridays but 2 items deal directly with 4th of July fireworks so I wanted to be sure everyone was aware before they make their way to the BBQs and parties! The information below comes directly from the CPSC emails that I receive. Name of Product: Oh Chute Parachute […]
Recall Wednesday – Cribs, helicopters, fax machines, hoodies, sleeper pjs & remote cars!!!
Below are the recalled items issues by the CPSC for the past week. The information I have below comes directly from email notifications I have received. Please be sure to check your home for any of these items! Name of Product: 2nd Nature Built to Grow Cribs Hazard: The cribs could fail to meet a […]
Recall Wednesday – Cribs, sandals, glue guns, water pumps, key chains & clamp kit!
There are a number of recalls I have received from the CSPC this past week. Please be sure to review each item to see if you have it in your home. Note that there are a number of “child” products.The information below comes directly from the email I notifications I received. Name of Product: Pro […]
Recall Wednesday – 7 Recalls – Matresses to PJs
This week I have received 7 recall notifications. Below I have included the information that I received directly from the email. I have also added the “Sold At” category. Please be a Smart Mama and scan your home for the products listed below. 1. Name of Product: Simmons Kids Crib Mattresses Hazard: Some of the […]
Recall Wednesday – 7 Product Recalls!
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Today I am reporting on 7 recalls issued by the CPSC. The information below comes directly from the notification email I have reecived during the past week. Please be sure to check your closets and garages for these items! 1. Name of product: Boy’s Hooded Zip Fleece SweatshirtsHazard: The garments have a […]
Recall Wednesday! 11 Product Recalls!!
Happy Wednesday!I have received a whopping 11 recalls from the CPSC in the last 7 days!!! Please be sure to check the products listed below to see if you or a loved one has one at home. There are several child toys.The information below comes directly from the CPSC recall email that I received! Name […]
Recall Wednesday – 9 Recalls!!!
Happy Wednesday! I have received 9 recalls this week! Please be sure to read the info below that I took directly from the email notifications I received. 1. Name of Product: Squeeze Kids Girl’s Corduroy Jackets Hazard: The garments have a drawstring through the hood, which can pose a strangulation hazard to children. In February […]
Recall Wednesday – Just One!
Hi! Today I have just one recall. It’s a Munchkin bottle warmer. Please check to see if you or a loved one has this item. Follow the directions for the CPSC website. Below are the details I received directly from the email notification. Name of Product: Deluxe Bottle and Food Warmers Hazard: The bottle and […]
Recall Wednesday – Just a Grill!
Good Morning! In the past week I have only received one recall from the CPSC – I guess that’s good news! Please check your decks and patios for the grill mentioned below. I have taken the information directly from the email I received from the CPSC. Name of Product: Broil King Gas Grills Hazard: The […]
Recall Wednesday – Table Saws to Lawn Mowers
Happy Wednesday!Today I have 5 recalls notifications from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. I received each of these within the last week. Below is the details on each recall, as written on the official notification. If you or a loved one has any of these products, be sure to follow the direction that is listed […]
Recall Wednesday – Toys, Key Chains and Baby Carrier
Good Morning Everyone!!! I received 3 recall notifications from the CPSC in the past week. Please review the details I have posted below. The details come directly from the official CPSC notification. Share this posting with friends and family who may have the items tucked away. Name of Product: Western Rider Push Toys Hazard: Surface […]
Recall Wednesday – Hillbilly Teeth Anyone???
I have received 3 emails from the CPSC in the past week. Please review the items below. I have pulled the information directly from the emails I received. Item 1: Interchange Robot ToysHazard: Surface paints on the toys contain excessive levels of lead,violating the federal lead paint standard.Description: The recalled robot toys were sold as […]