27 Apr, 2024

Ordering First Communion Invitations

Planning a First Holy Communion can be a daunting task. This very special occasion deserves all the special trimmings. From ordering First Communion invitations to the food to the party entertainment, you want your child’s ceremony and reception to be just perfect. This year my oldest will receive her First Holy Communion. It’s going to be […]

3 mins read

Make a Local Spring Break

No need to get plane or train tickets! Just gas up the car or even get aboard your local public transportation and make it a Local Spring Break! Yes, weather has been a bit more frigid and snowy this year in many parts of the country but that doesn’t mean families can’t experience their local hood […]

1 min read

How I Support Champions for Kids

I was recently invited to support a new campaign that was being brought to our local Walmart, Champions for Kids. I needed to identify a non-profit who could benefit from receiving donations throughout the year to support the people they serve. I knew right away that I had to contact my very good friend Lesley.  […]

2 mins read