Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Little Swimmers
ProductHuggies Little Swimmers – Disposable Swimpants Smarty Pants ReviewI’ll never forget the 1st time I took my munchkin in the pool. We were on an impromptu vacation to the Keys and she was just 6 months old. We remembered to pack nearly everything, including her little bathing suit and suntan lotion. However, what we didn’t […]
Friday – At last!
Wow, what a week! The first week of Smarty Pants Product of the Week was a HUGE success. I was utterly shocked with the tremendous reaction I have received from both veteran and new readers! How exciting! This Monday I will be highlighting a new product – it’s a summertime essential! Be sure to come […]
Thursday Thirteen – My To Do List!
I don’t mean to bore you with my list of things to do but it’s all that’s on my mind this morning!Here are 13 things that I need to get done today before I pass out! Take my dad to the dentist. Go to Costco to buy milk and get gas. Post items on eBay […]
Wordless Wednesday – My 1st One!
Don’t forget! Enter your munchkin for chance to be Munchkin Monday! Simply email me a photo, 1st name, birthday, likes and dislikes. Email: SmartyPantsMama @ gmail . com Enter this week’s Smarty Pants Product of the Week raffle!
Recall Wednesday – 7 Product Recalls!
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Today I am reporting on 7 recalls issued by the CPSC. The information below comes directly from the notification email I have reecived during the past week. Please be sure to check your closets and garages for these items! 1. Name of product: Boy’s Hooded Zip Fleece SweatshirtsHazard: The garments have a […]
Tuesday Toot – My New Feature!
As you probably read yesterday, this week is the launch of Smarty Pants Product of the Week! Each week I will highlight a different product that I believe is “worthy” of being recognized as a Smart product – a product all mommies should have. The product may at times be for your munchkins, and at […]
Tackle It Tuesday – The Party Supplies
Smart Mama Move: Organize your party supplies in the same area. When it’s time for party planning you’ll save yourself time, energy and frustration! I took on a great tackle this weekend. During my post-BBQ clean up on Sunday, I decided to make sense of my “party goods.” Prior to the tackle, I had plastic […]
Smarty Pants Product of the Week – Kate Quinn Organics Short Sleeved Kimono Bodysuit
Product: Kate Quinn Organics Short Sleeved Kimono Bodysuit Smarty Pants Review: This onesie/bodysuit has got to be one of the softest pieces of clothing my daughter has worn! My tester (my 19 month old daughter) wore the Kate Quinn Organics size 18-24 months short sleeved kimono bodysuit in Hibiscus/Peony Pink. It looked so cute on […]
Happy Friday! Smarty Pants Product of the Week!!!
I have exciting news! Beginning next week, Smarty Pants Mama will have a new weekly feature – Smarty Pants Product of the Week. What is a smart product? A smart product is something that is helpful, and at times essential, for moms to have or use with their children or in their homes. Products will […]
Thursday Thirteen – The BBQ Menu
This weekend I’ll be hosting a BBQ Going Away party for a coworker of my husband. With about 20 or so expected to come, and the vast majority being men, I’ve decided to make the food simple, and of course, yummy. Here are 13 items that I’ll be serving. Much of the food will be […]
Recall Wednesday! 11 Product Recalls!!
Happy Wednesday!I have received a whopping 11 recalls from the CPSC in the last 7 days!!! Please be sure to check the products listed below to see if you or a loved one has one at home. There are several child toys.The information below comes directly from the CPSC recall email that I received! Name […]
Tuesday Toot – 95 Degree Knee Bend!
My toot….I have to say I’m pretty excited about how I can now bend my knee to 95 degrees. Also, at physical therapy I was able to do a full forward and backward rotation on the bike last week!!! (For those of you who don’t know, I had major knee surgery a little more than […]
Free for Me Friday – Memorial Day Recipe!
Can you believe that it is already Memorial Day? Where has this year gone??!! Anyone have any great Memorial Day BBQ plans? We’re still underdevelopment for our weekend plans. I wanted to share a great recipe that is perfect for BBQs or other get-togethers! Sesame Noodles3 1/2 tbsp – seasame oil3 1/2 tbsp – soy […]
Thursday Thirteen – If 19 Month Old Girls Ruled the World!
If 19 month old little girls ruled the world, days would be spent… Watching Diego. Coloring – books, floors and walls. Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Eating Play-Doh. Asking Mami to put the dolly’s hat back on. Eating random Cheerios found in the car seat. Eating only Cheerios, fruit, waffles and cookies. Dancing! Wearing a dirty […]
Recall Wednesday – 9 Recalls!!!
Happy Wednesday! I have received 9 recalls this week! Please be sure to read the info below that I took directly from the email notifications I received. 1. Name of Product: Squeeze Kids Girl’s Corduroy Jackets Hazard: The garments have a drawstring through the hood, which can pose a strangulation hazard to children. In February […]
Tackle It Tuesday –
Happy Tuesday! To me there is something so special about getting a card…birthday, congratulations…in the actual mail. Yes, I agree that sending your birthday cards through or BlueMountain is in doubt easier and cheaper, but the thrill of finding a special little envelope addressed to you is awesome! My grandmother-in-law, should receive an award […]
Munchkin Monday – Meet Munchkin Jude!
Munchkin Monday!!!Drum roll please…..Today’s Munchkin Monday is…..Munchkin Jude!!! Name: JudeBirthday: December 13, 2006Age: 17 monthsLikes: Trucks and airplanes, bathtime, Veggietales, staring out the window, reading books with Mama, climbing things all by himself and going down slides unassisted.Dislikes: Eating normal food, sitting still, getting out of the bath or wearing a hat. Don’t forget to […]
Friday! Family Tree-ing?!
Smarty Pants Mama Move of the Day – Buy genealogy software!!! One of the items on my “list” is to digitize our family tree. Years ago, a distant cousin in Germany gave me a family tree that he had done. It was written in pencil on a long bulletin board paper. I’ve had it rolled […]
Thursday Thirteen – 13 Ways to Save Money with Your Own Garden!
Ok, we all have seen it, the crazy prices at the supermarket, the gas station and just about everywhere else! This year I have decided to do my own “green” way of helping the country and my family – I have started my own garden. The garden serves a couple of different purposes. First, my […]
Recall Wednesday – Just One!
Hi! Today I have just one recall. It’s a Munchkin bottle warmer. Please check to see if you or a loved one has this item. Follow the directions for the CPSC website. Below are the details I received directly from the email notification. Name of Product: Deluxe Bottle and Food Warmers Hazard: The bottle and […]
Tackle It Tuesday – THe Hallway Closet!
Well, I did it! I faced the inevitable – the hallway closet! This weekend I opened up the monster and took it apart. My goal was to free up 1 shelf to put my grocery stockpile. What a great feeling!!! BEFORE AFTER Adding the stockpile!!!! (I love being organized and prepared!) Don’t forget to enter […]
Mother’s Day & Grocery Game Recap
No nominations were given for Munchkin Monday…so instead it’s Weekend Recap!!! We had a great weekend – as I’m sure many mommies did! Saturday – We were out of the house by 8:45 and on our way to The Original Pancake House. It’s a yummy restaurant that is extremely OVERPRICED! I was so impressed with […]
Free for Me Friday – Happy Mother’s Day!
Friday!!!!!!!! Gotta love it! We don’t have too much planned this weekend, with the exception of Mother’s Day. On Saturday I hope to spend a little time at the pool. My daughter LOVES it, as does my husband, plus it’s great for my therapy. (By the way, I was able to bend my knee to […]
Thursday Thirteen – A Photo Collage
Happy Thursday! I can’t believe that it is already Thursday – this week has flown by! I’ve stumbled over what to list for Thursday Thirteen. I was nearly going to share thirteen things my 18 month daughter would do if she ruled the world – i.e. play with play-doh all day or watch Dora for […]
Recall Wednesday – Just a Grill!
Good Morning! In the past week I have only received one recall from the CPSC – I guess that’s good news! Please check your decks and patios for the grill mentioned below. I have taken the information directly from the email I received from the CPSC. Name of Product: Broil King Gas Grills Hazard: The […]
Tackle It Tuesday – Attack of the Coupons!
Good Morning! So I have a big tackle today —the coupon drawer! I will organize my millions of coupons. I’ve always been a “coupon girl” but using them when I should hasn’t been my forte. Today I’m following The Grocery Game CVS list and rules to shop. I’ve printed the list and hope to earn […]