3 Great Tips to Consider When Rearranging Office Space

Rearranging your office can happen on a whim and other times forced. Whether you just get in that mood to rearrange everything – we’ve all been there – or you’re getting new office furniture, the opportunity to make some easy changes to the room you spend much time in can be very helpful.

Wireless is an Extrarearranging office space

A hard connection, using an ethernet cable, is the preferred method of accessing your network. We all love and depend on wireless but when at home and at your desk, it is ideal to have your router nearby so you can connect your desktop or laptop via ethernet. This is especially important when uploading/downloading large files where optimal speed is in need!

The router will serve as the “home base” of your network, allowing you to connect via ethernet or wirelessly as many components as you need. Both my router and modem sit just behind my computer.
Find deals on EBAY for wireless routers!

File System in PlaceFile Cabinet

An immediate filing system will help you keep your desk from looking like a mountain of disaster. Paper files aren’t what they used to be, as we now thankfully have the option of requesting bills and other paperwork via digital mail. However, we still continue to get some paper documents, therefore there is a need to store them in a logical manner and place. A small filing cabinet within arms reach of your desk will help keep your filing up to date. I have the Hemnes Ikea desk that comes with a filing cabinet drawer. I have basic files set up that I load up as the paperwork comes in. Check out garage sales or EBAY for gently used cabinets that can fit right into your office space design and look.

Printer Locale

Many printers are now WiFi. That means cramming your printer onto your desk or even right next to it isn’t necessary. We don’t print like we used to. Place your WiFi printer in your office space but not necessarily next to your computer.  Keep your paper near it. I tend to buy the cheapest of paper for casual printing and keep a ream of heavy stock paper for documents that I will give to someone else. Also, don’t forget photo paper!



Disclosure: This post is written as part of my partnership with Comcast. All opinions are my own.

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2 thoughts on “3 Great Tips to Consider When Rearranging Office Space

  1. Love these ideas! I am working on clearing out my office today. While I can’t do everything suggested, but one of my first steps will be to buy a WIFI printer. My printer is down by my feet right now and SO incredibly inconvenient!

  2. Going wireless is a plus especially when dealing with an office that has a limited space. Other than that, there should be smart storage solutions such as using a filing system or multifunctional furniture. Thank you for this article, anyway.

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