Quick & Easy Soybean Oil Recipes
3 mins read

Quick & Easy Soybean Oil Recipes

Finding Soybean OilSoybean Recipes

You won’t believe where I found soybean oil! In my own kitchen? Yes, I spent a good 30 minutes in two different gourmet/healthy living supermarkets searching in the expensive/speciality oil section in search of soybean oil. I returned home defeated. No soybean oil anywhere. I opened my pantry to pull out the vegetable oil for a dish I was making and viola! I learned that nearly 100% of vegetable oil is actually soybean oil! To top it off, it probably is the least expensive oil out there. Affordable and healthy, what a great combo! Now I need to find soybean recipes!

Using That Soybean Oil

I headed over to SoyConnection.com to search for Quick & Easy recipes that use soy. I continue to eat healthy, sticking to this New Year’s resolution for as long as possible. I love to eat, which is ok, as long I’m eating the right portions and foods. Soy is a “good for me” ingredient so I try to use it whenever possible. Plus, one of my favorite snacks is edamame (soybeans.) I happily sit on the couch snacking on edamame sprinkled with some Kosher salt. Are you an Edamame fan?

Quick & Easy Soybean Recipes

Back to the Quick & Easy recipes from SoyConnection. There are many that have caught my attention. There is a recipe for an Asian Chicken Edamame Pizza. It most certainly is a family recipe where the kids can be your little chefs as they help you add the toppings! Plus, who doesn’t love pizza?!

I’ve been on a smoothie kick lately and when I saw the picture of the Berry-Nana Soy Smoothie I knew I had to include it in next week’s menu. It uses soy milk – remember when I made the Tropical Fruit Smoothie using Vanilla Soy Milk. So good! Can’t wait!Soybean Recipes

Another recipe that I can make for backyard BBQs and will certainly be quick & easy is the Black Soybean Salad. The one challenge is that I don’t know where to find black soybeans. Maybe Fresh Market or Whole Foods. I’ll probably try it with traditional soybeans (green edamame) first. Soybean Recipes

Lastly, an edamame recipe that has me already in the kitchen making it! Push those chickpeas to the side and use edamame instead with Edamame Hummus. How smart and healthy!

Keep the Soy Coming

The Quick & Easy recipes appear on SoyConnection.com. Please check out their fantastic recipe collection and share which one you’re most excited to try! Also, keep up with daily updates and more at Facebook.com/UnitedSoybeanBoard

This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and the United Soybean Board. However, all opinions expressed are my own.Recipes for Soybean Oil

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