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FREE SPF Sunscreen from the MinuteClinic

NOAA announced that July 2012 has been the hottest July since records have been kept. I’ve felt the heat. Have you? Sunglasses shield our eyes from the sun and quality SPF sunscreen protects our skin from the rays.

The FDA has revamped its sun care guidelines this year. Our children and selves need to be protected with broad spectrum products. This will ensure that our skin is protected by both UVA and UVB rays.

The MinuteClinic has put together great summer sun safety tips. Please review these tips and follow them before, during and after sun exposure. To encourage smart sunscreen use, the MinuteClinic is offering a free travel-size sunscreen. This, 1st come, 1st served offer can be redeemed by going to https://www.facebook.com/MinuteClinic/app_133578850062126 and liking their Facebook page & completing the form!

SUMMER SUN SAFETY TIPS, from MinuteClinicFree SPF Sunscreen

What does SPF mean?

  • SPF = Sun Protection Factor, which is a measure of how well sunscreen protects against UVB rays
  • It also predicts, in some cases, how long it may take your skin to get sunburn when you are wearing that sunscreen

Under the new FDA sun care guidelines, look for sunscreen products that are:

  • Labeled “Broad Spectrum,” which prevents against both UVA and UVB rays (these are the only products that can reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging)
  • SPF of at least 15, preferably 30 or 50
  • Re-apply every 1.5-2 hours!
  • (Note: products will no longer be labeled as “sunblock”, “waterproof” or “sweatproof” since suncreens eventually always wear off.

What’s the difference b/t UVA & UVB rays?

  • UVA rays are more responsible for the skin’s aging
  • UVB rays are the rays that cause sunburn

When it comes to spending time in the sun, remember:

  • Sun is strongest between 10 a.m. & 2 p.m., so limit your outside time during those hours
  • Some makeup products or prescription medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so be sure to read labels and take caution
  • If you do get burned and feel as though you need medical care, visit your local MinuteClinic for a thorough assessment and treatment. To find a location nearest you, visit www.minuteclinic.com/locations

Be sure to visit https://www.facebook.com/MinuteClinic/app_133578850062126 and like their Facebook page & complete the form to receive your FREE SPF sunscreen!

Disclosure: I have received promotional consideration for MinuteClinic.

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